D'awwwwwwww. That last panel man, she looks so happy, but so tragic, with the scars and the makeup running down her eye like a tear...what a precious bunny.
D'awwwwwwww. That last panel man, she looks so happy, but so tragic, with the scars and the makeup r
Blake usually takes showers with Marci when they hangout so it would be very obvious that something is wrong with Blake if she didn't take a shower with her. Marci is heterosexual but it's not uncommon for straight people to take showers with someone of the same gender.
Blake usually takes showers with Marci when they hangout so it would be very obvious that something
Marci doesn't find anything wrong with taking a shower with Blake though she was probably uncomfortable doing that when they first met and slowly grew to enjoy the company and have girl talks. If Blake attempted to take things further then Marci would start to have a problem with it. Blake is into Marci but respects her feelings on the matter but will still flirt when she can.
Marci doesn't find anything wrong with taking a shower with Blake though she was probably uncomforta
right, Blake's feelings stem quite deep, but she knows that Marci is interested in boys, not other girls, so she tries not to go too deep or too intimate with Marci
right, Blake's feelings stem quite deep, but she knows that Marci is interested in boys, not other g