Sean Whitefang: A young lion who's big mouth lands him into hilarious troubles.
Akiba Sakuraba: A pink dog boy who was Rush's original anthro design.
Scar the Raichu: Created from a gladiator ERP in the past. A powerful Raichu with Hidden Power: Dragon as part of his moveset. Alias: The Dragon Mouse.
Trevor the survivor: A rabbit boy who was the survivor of a horrible crimewave that destroyed his home city of Silver Town when he was 5 years old. His parents left him behind due to the chaos as they escaped by airplane, leaving him to fend for himself against psychopaths, gangs, rabbid animals, rapists and all sorts of horrible people...resorting to killing his hunters after taking a man's life to defend himself with a metal bat. Now 18, he successfully escaped before its destruction and now wanders aimlessly without a purpose...
Sean and Akiba are cubs, Scar and Trevor are adults despite their appearances.