Here is the 5th page, ratad mature for harsh language as well. the ending of this comic is close so stay tuned for watch an awesome sample of ownage from a demon to other >XD I hope you like it ^_^
I admittedly laughed aloud at the "W-What the fuck?!" I've never actually seen Stephen King's movie so my mind gave him a rather amusing tone. Oh how I wish Penance could be come a regular series. Some bad guys really need a dose of what she dishes out.
Still impressed by the line work and detail, Mariano. Do what you love!
I admittedly laughed aloud at the "W-What the fuck?!" I've never actually seen Stephen King's movie
LOL i thought he was going to say "you foolish something something" in the first panel but when it ended up being "you fuckin cunt" i started laughing so loud ><. the way he started his sentence made it sound like it wasn't going to be anything like that. it's like a medieval knight mixed with a modern day rapper or something.
LOL i thought he was going to say "you foolish something something" in the first panel but when it e