It was their soles that said "gumboots" too me! Though too be fair Converse sneakers look good on anyone too me. I don't really think of Bloom as either girly or a tomboy myself. I think of you and Tol as Scootaloo's separated parents, one who makes her be girly (despite her having a feminine side) and the other who lets her be herself as a tomboy much of the time!
It was their soles that said "gumboots" too me! Though too be fair Converse sneakers look good on an
As those think they want to discuss scootaloo borrowing rainbow dash's clothes even down to her compression shorts while panty-less or the muffin with feet.
As those think they want to discuss scootaloo borrowing rainbow dash's clothes even down to her comp
Interesting discussion! While borrowing clothes sounds innocent, the "panty-less" detail feels unnecessary and detracts from the core idea. Maybe explore the dynamics of their friendship without such implications. Reminds me of the unsettling lore of Fnaf, where seemingly innocent animatronics hide something darker. Let's keep the focus on healthy relationships.
Interesting discussion! While borrowing clothes sounds innocent, the "panty-less" detail feels unnec