Just a quick place holder for a project I'm working on. It sucks not haveing a Text Tool -_- .
Anyway, the past couple of years have sucked and sucked hard. But, there is at least one good thing that came out of them. All the wonderful frineds I've made here on IB and over on FA. So, to honor all the wonderful people who put up with my weirdness and shenanigans, I'm working on a little project for mi amigos, my way of saying thank you n_n .
To that end, I'll be going around asking people I consider to be or are an Amigo of mine for they're charcter Refs. You are of course free to choose not to be included in my project, I won't hold it against you n_n .
5 years, 8 months ago
07 Mar 2019 23:20 CET
Initial: d424cc8355369b06b873124b7680b546
Full Size: 2fffae73aaf88f81fe0046142fe214c0
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