Warning : This story takes place 100 years after Rarity dead. This story base on season 4. So anything that happened in season 5 will have nothing to do with this story. (Except how CMC got their cutie mark. They have canon one)
Warning : This story’s an alternate universe and is really crazy as hell. It crazy until crazy word isn’t fit it anymore. It’s become chaos now…
Warning : a lot of 4th wall breaking and referencing. Sharing universe with "To Love God – To Love Mortal" and "To Love Alicorn" but in the future and more crazy. And a continue story of "Crazy Future"
Warning : Don’t take this story too serious or you might get headache from overthinking….
Warning : Few number of love(Comments) might make comic page take long time to complete…
IQ test seems completely the wrong test here. They need to know what she does/doesn't know, not her general cognitive ability. Also I don't know if EQ tests are a thing but it would seem weirdly fitting for the school of friendship to both have one and use it for placement.
IQ test seems completely the wrong test here. They need to know what she does/doesn't know, not her
I think the idea is that it's more they're going to gauge what level of learning difficulty they want to put her at. schools that strictly just throw facts at students to make them memorize long enough to pass a test is actually not how learning should be done.
an IQ test, (while the concept of IQ we use is rather outdated and needs a refresh) does help determine in what ways someone is able to learn.
So my assumption is that in this universe, a high IQ means that they're ready to tackle more complicated learning methods that rely on the student to do more independent research. But a lower IQ would mean they could require more involved help.
I think the idea is that it's more they're going to gauge what level of learning difficulty they wan