The Umbreon’s voice was soft, calm. It was comforting to hear when the rest of the world was silent at this hour. “Feel free to sit how you like. Whatever is comfortable for you, yeah?” The cat would nod in response, staring blindly into the blindfold that stole his vision, but it wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest. It caused all his other senses to heighten, feeling Hunter’s warmth against him as he was lead to lean back against the Pokemon’s torso. The heat contrasted the cool air of the autumn night blowing through the leaves and through their fur, and almost enveloped him.
“Good… Just rest now. I’m going to mask your ears too, but don’t worry. I’ll be right here. I won’t leave.” His hands ran through the feline’s hair, gently grooming it out the way. “Just breathe softly, okay? At a pace that suits you. Your eyes open or closed, whichever feels better. Just taking in what you can feel, focusing on the wind, on the cool ground, on me. Let your body just feel, understood?”
Another nod, and a small exhale of nerves as those hands moved back to his ears, and shortly after, silence, to match the blindness. Hunter’s voice was no more, but his presence still there, still guiding in it’s own way. Hands would travel down, one moving under his chin to lift it carefully, orientating it to feel the breeze blow across his face, reminding him of his “task”. Just feel, just focus on the senses that remained, which were getting all the stronger by the moment. The smell of the leaves, of the crispness in the air. Hints of smoke from old bonfires and fireworks settling as the night got late. The soil and grass surrounding them. Even Hunter himself had his own scent, nothing offensive or distracting, just warming and enveloping, just like his bodyheat. It was much easier to sink into it than he’d realise, feeling the Umbreon’s rising and sinking chest against his head, feeling that breath on his hair, letting it guide his own breathing into a nice relaxing pace. Every time he felt he was getting too comfortable, Hunter’s hands would shift instinctively, bringing his attention to a different part of his body, keeping him from falling asleep. Across his neck, down his arm, through his hair. Softly, slowly. Tracing little shapes to keep his mind focused on these little motions, keeping him present in the moment, in the silent night, his own mind growing quiet as he lost focus on all the little thoughts it had to say. Just a pleasant, soft numb taking over; a darkness all of his own to enjoy, with one to keep him protected and safe as he allowed it to take over for the time being.
Busyness and worries can come later, right now it was a time to relax and be at peace with nothingness, and he was more than happy to indulge for just a spell.
I uh. Forgot to upload this, lmfao. I was gonna do dialogue like normal but as its like Sensory deprivation it made less sense for Hunter to speak So have a story instead. Yeah. I can do writing sometimes > >
That is a great story ! But...keeping me awake in those condition would not work. No sound, no light and someone to rub me ? That the recipe for instant sleep on me XD
That is a great story ! But...keeping me awake in those condition would not work. No sound, no light