I've drawn "cute," and I've drawn "hot," but I've always struggled to be able to draw "cool." It has a lot to do with my preferred brushes, which have soft edges that allow me to imply shape moreso than define it- an extremely desirable trait when you're either a) Laying down very simple designs and/or b) Portraying an object that's very soft and malleable, the soft, thick edges of which would convey that... but it makes hard-edged action all but impossible. So after years of avoiding the Pen tool, I decided to finally sit down, adjust the tool until it did what I wanted... and finally knock out something that I thought was cool.
What I got out of it was nothing short of a different style, one which I'm pretty excited to explore in the future! I feel like my artistic tool box is finally filling out in a meaningful way.
5 years, 11 months ago
14 Feb 2019 04:43 CET
Initial: b97aa90442f91e366b37e42d73ddf7c5
Full Size: 880b2bebab22ebff226655a0f08fd092
Large: 880b2bebab22ebff226655a0f08fd092
Small: 183aebd5f9e7b27f7fe0a57d451e9369
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