name: nagi gearswork --- species: mouse --- job: engineer --- age: 21 --- powers: machine building, kung fu, builder hammer(her weapon), hacker touch(when she activates hacker touch hidden in her gloves can hack any robot or machine including eggbots), super speed(as a mouse shes fast), athletic(light weight), -- weakness: range weapons(never knows how but does operate auto turrets), cheese( as a mouse shes a sucker for cheese) --- bio: born a genius in the gearswork family shes self taught, able to kick butt but can still eat cheese tho she looks young its that her time machine zapped her into a stuck chrono state poor lass but the skilled British accent saying mouse never quits even if modern heroes and baddies are near she can fight evil, work in a lab and never lets enemies get near her home cause her defense is high and dangerous. She is often assisted by Ty and is the assistant of Martha getting places the paraplegic albino jaguar cannot.