Eh, I wouldn't really go as far to tell them to fuck off... Sure, I should disregard them because my experiences with them were sucky, but if I were to be aggressively dismissive (I mean, more than this comic could be perceived to be considering it's using direct words from those who resent me/I resent as fuel), it wouldn't exactly be an attitude that would sit well with me.
As for envious... There's nothing for people to be envious of from me, frankly. If anything (and I don't know if this is self-deprecation talking, but), it feels like I don't have enough redeemable traits to be satisfactory to many people, hence why I'm so under the ground or despised at my own fault. I think the problem was I wasn't good enough for them as opposed to being too good for them, which would seem egotistical to say... At least, from my perspective.
Eh, I wouldn't really go as far to tell them to fuck off... Sure, I should disregard them because my
Well, it was a figure of speech. You really shouldn't tell them to fuck off, just like you said. Also, I believe that anyone who can do something and be happy with it has enough redeemable skill. Just keep believing at what you do, don't let anyone put your mood down, but also listen to what they tell you, and try to improve further like that.
Well, it was a figure of speech. You really shouldn't tell them to fuck off, just like you said. Als