I had the basis for this story emerge in my head when I was about to go to sleep the other night, and I thought I'd write it down in the following days. At the time, I hadn't planned on making a video out of it, let alone the pages it was written on. But I wanted to try something I hadn't tried before.
The hardest part was voicing it. I've never tried that before and it was much more challenging than expected. I've always thought voice acting sounded so easy, but it's far from it.
I downloaded the avi. I have an iMac. Quicktime shit it self trying to run it. I downloaded VLC, that ran perfectly. Like I knew it would. So after watching the swf (no sound) I watched it again. Well done.
Is that a hint of an accent there?
I downloaded the avi. I have an iMac. Quicktime shit it self trying to run it. I downloaded VLC, tha
I am curious, who that long-lived creature supposed to be tho'! One candidate may be Discord, since He is eternal. My other guess is, that WE are that immortal, outliving the MLP:FiM franchise, and moving on with our lives. I can't imagine, that the FiM ponies of today will be relevant after 25-50 years from now, where we might live even then, so the story may be about us, enjoying the company of the Mane 6 and their friends, and moving on, once their time is over.
As I've said: Superb work!
Side-note: I am all too familiar with outliving friends, in my own setting, as well as in RL. A much longer then normal life span, can be a burden. An eternal life/immortality is a 100% curse for any being who is dependent on social interaction, and for those who love solitude as well.
Read a book once where the side story characters where 6 immortal beings, who lived millions of years long already. They have witnessed the planets crumble away and reform anew, countless civilizations rise and fall. They were powerful and wise beyond measure, and the only thing they couldn't do is to die. Their minds were so full with the wisdom of the ages, and memories of the endless past, that they didn't knew what was real once and what is just a hallucination. For the longest of times, all they strive for, is to find a way to die and find piece from their own existence and to escape of the misery of eternity. In the book, 5 of the 6 managed to die, and the 6th character passed on it's immortality to the defeated villain of the story, so the villain cannot die just be eternally trapped and suffering on. The ex-immortal then looked on the world, and suddenly felt alive. It feared death now and thus could treasure being a fragile mortal and thus enjoy life until it will last...
The super interesting part in that book was, that the immortals took every chance to die. It visited another planet, and the cold of space didn't reach it's flesh, now was it dependent on oxygen. It entered the planets atmosphere, without speeding down, and the entry heat started to boil it's skin, but in an instant it's skin turned to an alien metal, and the heat was no problem anymore. It crashed into the ocean, causing a huge water explosion both from the immense heat and from the force of the impact, but it's skin toughened and didn't teared apart. It sank to the bottom of the ocean and the ocean tried to squash it, but it's skin was too resilient. With just one trip from one planet to another, and a crude landing, the immortal was experiencing at least half a dozen suicide attempt to it's own life, knowing full well, that it's skin will most likely keep it alive. It was a habit of them to casually try to die off, even if none of these attempts were ever successful. They tried and tried and tried and they failed and failed and failed...and their memories and super-senses (they had like a million of those...) kept tormenting them along the way. These immortals were so powerful, that they raised their claws to block out the view of a far away planet, pretending that it was destroyed, then move their claws and the planet was recreated...and they totally could do that, but what would be the point of it. Everything died around them, but the 6 of them were eternal...and forever cursed. I was satisfied with the end of the book, where they all managed to escape from their cruel torment of immortality, and with one of them being able to enjoy it's mortality (it still had all it's powers) once more.
Superb work! I am curious, who that long-lived creature supposed to be tho'! One candidate may be D
So yeah, I am all too familiar with the curse of being Eternal, while not being a God to understand a higher level of existence. The other great curse is 100% accurate future-sight: If you see a clear future, then it's a fact, and you cannot change it! You may see a loved one in an accident, but you are powerless to stop it, no matter how well you are informed of the time and place. 100% accurate future-sight means you are powerless to affect the future, and you are possibly suffering more on knowing the bad stuff, that you are powerless to change...This goes well with the "Time is a wide and wild river, and you are but a pebble. Dropping the pebble in the River if Time won't change the flow, but take the pebble with the flow." This means that 100% accurate future-sight is useless in affecting the future. It's a curse as well as immortality is a curse...for lowly mortals-alike that is!
So yeah, I am all too familiar with the curse of being Eternal, while not being a God to understand