This is the logo for Prower Power! I'm gonna paste it onto pics, story preview images, anything made specifically as pro-Tails content!
Taking another crack at this description because long paragraphs hurt everyone's feelings. Suffice to say, to me, Dream was only the tip of the iceburg when it comes to negative Tails content. Rather than whine about it and try to convince people to make something else, I'm hoping to supply the content I'd like to see instead... even if I suck at it.
I was going to offer this logo in case anyone else wants to use it, but to be honest, who's gonna want to use it? If you want to use it, tell me what for. I wanna vet anything my tag gets used on. (As if.)
Please, respect my right to decide what content I'm going to create, and to decide what content I will and won't follow on the site. I shouldn't even have to say it, but here we are. I wish to avoid a repeat of early last month...
5 years, 11 months ago
28 Jan 2019 20:04 CET
Initial: 4b6eebcc73e77f50e39f0687ee59f1cf
Full Size: 414a866095315bf12fd3ca41b927d053
Large: 414a866095315bf12fd3ca41b927d053
Small: 2da7ded271d85f2cc1649c1e9df9fe67
2 favorites