A rarity these days, Azure County was still blessed with copious amounts of snow each winter, blanketing the city, towns and forests with a fluffy white layer of festive cheer. “Nya, it’s purrfect!” Ashleen, ever the child-at-heart, mewled happily as she put the finishing touches on the snow cat she was building with her girlfriend, Pepper. “But then she is modelled after the cutest kitty in town~” The red panda winked from the other side of their sculpture, placing a small pink heart candy on the nose of the frosty feline. “Now it’s perfect!”
“Hey Ashleen! Hey Pepper! Hello-ooo~!” A young jackal woman eagerly ran up to the cuddly couple. “I didn’t know you were out too!” “Heehee! Hello, Kebbi!” Ashleen happily let herself get glomped by the Egyptian beauty, but Kebechet had some sneaky plans of her own. While she had the cyan-haired snuggled up against her fluffy winter jacket, she swiftly pushed the kitten’s arms behind her back and tied them together with a length of soft red rope. “Nyeep! Keb, what are you doing!?” Hearing Ashleen’s distressed mewls, Pepper decided to intervene. “Allright, Keb, can I have my girlfriend b- ack!!” But get enthusiastically hug-tackled to the floor instead. “And of course I haven’t forgotten you, Peppi!” Producing more ropes from seemingly out of nowhere, the jackal had her red-panda friend arms and legs bound before she knew it. “There all, nice and snug!” “Grr… what are you playing at, ‘chet?” Pepper grumbled as the black-furred canine but her down on the sleigh she and Ashleen had been playing with. “You could’ve just asked to come over if that’s what you wanted!”
Keb giggled mischievously as she finished tying up Ashleen and put the kitty behind her panda sweetheart. “Eep!” The feline in blue squeaked. “Kebbi! Stop it, everyone can see us hernnmmph!?” But Keb teasingly hushed her by pulling her fluffy heart-print scarf over the white-furred maw and pulling the knot extra snug. “Don’t make so much noise then, silly!” “Hooooh, no! Don’t you dare togggrrmmpppnnhhff!!” Pepper protested, but she too was resolutely gagged by her own fleece scarf. “Mmmphgrr!”
Kebechet then happily started dragging the bound couple along on their sled, back to her own apartment. “Now, Ashleen, I assume you want your hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon, yes?” “Nymmph pllff~” “Excellent! And Pepper? Little bits of marshmallow for you, right?” “Mmg…fnnnmh!” “Yay! Onwards then, to hot chocolate!” And so, Kebechet pulled her bound and gagged buddies along, blissfully unaware (or simply just not minding it) of the weird looks she got from passers-by. She’d better make Ashleen and Pepper and extra big mug of chocolate to make up for this embarrassing prank…