A bit of a collab between myself and feodaronsd He did the head and mane sculpt and I retopologized that before doing the rest of the model. This will likely become common practice for me in the future as I much enjoyed working from a sculpt that I didn't have to spend time doing myself. Still experimenting with bakes. Learning the limitations of baking from high to low res objects. This ended up leaving me with a lot more texture work to match said bakes. The end results are pretty good I think!
As for the gif, I finally took the time to figure out how to do this and maintain some quality. This will likely be how I do things going forward with the death of flash. That and I don't think the turntables were that interesting or appreciated. Don't worry, a sexy view is coming soon. I just want to have some sfw stuff in my gallery cause.... reasons *bleps*