Thought I try this out and see if people are interested in it. This is how I'll be handling this is: ~Tell me the base tier you want (Rough Sketch/Lineart/Flat Color/Shading) ~Tell me any additional tiers you may want. *If you chose Shading, also tell what kind of shading do you want.) ~Tell me what kind of background and/or any additional characters you want. ~When sending you character(s) refs, tell me the details on what you want. (Keep in mind of the Will/Won't list.) ~Payment for Skteches and Lineart base tiers require payment upfront, but anything higher, I'll provide one sketch of what you want and require payment to finish it. *No Refunds* (Payment methods are either PayPal or GooglePay) ~I have every right to decline the request if I don't agree with it or it goes against my Will/Won't list. Any further problems will result in blocking and reporting you. ~Nothing Animation wise at the moment, so don't ask.
Anything else that you might have questions with, please let me know.