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Inks by
  Coloring by me.

Me and
were talking about the whole MAGA kids controversy and how adults were actually advocating punching 15 year olds for wearing MAGA hats.  

Yiffox said when he first saw it, his first reaction, well its another of the daily race baiting "news" stories and more will soon come out to show how its a false narrative.  I agreed.  And it did.  What disgusted both of us is when full story came out, the kids were the HEROS.  Black activists were calling them incest babies, lice ridden, child molestors, racist, etc.  When they said something homophobic, the kids called them out, saying, "You can't say that," and "That's homophobic."  When the black group attacked the two students in their group, saying that they would have their organs harvested by their classments, the kids responded saying that's racist, and telling their black classmate that they loved them.

Then the Indian radicals marched up beating drums, and it was a group, saying they the kids should go back to Europe and its not their land.  The kid with a drum beat inches from his face, responded by smiling, which so infuriated the media.  The same kid then told his friend nearby not to engage to the racist shouts at him by another Indian.

These kids had death threats, their school shut down and the school and church both coming down on them with investigations, even though they did everything right.

So we were both pretty mad, and got madder after when the truth came out, the media STILL blamed the kids for daring to wear hats.  Asking the kids to apologize, but the Indian who lied about his veteran status and that the kids were aggressive and not letting him pass, they asked him if he would accept an apology and softballed on his lies.

So we talked and thought some protest art against the media and celebrities encouraging violence against kids.  So we thought, how far would they go?

And please, don't punch 5 year olds.

human 108,577, media 1,656, politics 482, protest 126, maga 51, cnn 5
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 6 years, 1 month ago
Rating: General

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6 years, 1 month ago
He forgot to say, Inks are mine, coloring and shading is his.
6 years, 1 month ago
sorry fixed.
6 years, 1 month ago
Uhh this sort of stuff is everywhere.

ive been victimized myself, though nothing recently as ive.. pretty much kept my head down after last time.
(harassment over a fictional short story for a contest)
6 years, 1 month ago
this is about specific story that kids were maligned for smiling while wearing hats for waiting for their bus at designated stop by media as a whole and a lot of 3rd rate celebrities, demanding they be punched in face or their lives ruined for responding well to 2 radical political groups assaulting them.
6 years, 1 month ago
6 years, 1 month ago
why are you highlighting this.  Insensitive prick.  I think you want people to be victimized, because guessing intersectional communist.  No one is a victim unless they want to be.  PERIOD.  History shows us this.
6 years, 1 month ago
Were the "kids" in question 5 or 15, I ask because that does make at least some difference
6 years, 1 month ago
15, but this is about how far the media will go to destroy innocent people to advance a narrative that did not occur.
6 years, 1 month ago
He relies on strawmaning. The "kids" were 15 and exactly 0 kids were punched.
6 years, 1 month ago
you dont know what strawman fallacy is.  The art is PARODY...sarcasm...how to explain to a weak brain like yours...lol...its saying HOW LOW WILL YOU GO....punching 15 yr olds for doing nothing wrong is ok to you...despite felony assault...

so we decided, make this...see how low you will go...punch a 5 yr old.

its mockery, an artform...parody...making FUN OF YOU...glad you fell for it.

as far as no damage, you know you are lying, you know there have been death threats against the 15 yr old, theyve been doxed, hell your kind doxxed a kid who wasnt even there, but same school...your kind is pouring over pics online for racism...my fav is that ok symbol is white power...except its also OK symbol and on basketball court, its 3 point symbol....dont play basketball, dont know basketball, but black pic of professional atheletes doing same symbols, willing to say that a valid basketball thing...you are an idiot willing to not only buy into false narratives, but support them.  I feel sorry for you.  You are sheep who can't think.  Again, not pro trump, definately not prorepublican.
6 years, 1 month ago
Illegally harming someone is called assault.
Violence in the name of politics is also known as war.
Whether that be on an international or interpersonal scale, an illegal war for territorial gain and subjugation is a crime against humanity.

A hat with a slogan or an individual with differing opinions is no excuse to commit such a crime.

Give yourself a pat on the back, like you usually do, because you continue to demonstrate to the center-right and center-left electorate, who do not share your opinions and vastly outnumber you, that you are no better than the establishment or citizens of that establishment you claim to be better than. Which is also them. You're willing to commit the same crimes you lie and accuse others of doing to get your own way. Actions you defame and caricaturize others for doing.

If an article of clothing makes you want to assault other human beings.
You need to get checked for brain damage.
6 years, 1 month ago
It is an inherently corrupt realm of special interests and self-dealing elites.
They do not strive to uphold liberty as a core principle or appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups. Such as themselves who strive to be this elite group. Where we will have not but new systems of oppression in place of the old. To loosely quote their hero-god Marx.
Like my father always said, Both the establishment and the revolt against it are lying to you
Equal and opposite are inclusive of one another. Think about it.
6 years, 1 month ago
That's his point.  The image is sarcasm.
6 years, 1 month ago
yes, below is right.  This is a protest AGAINST the media and celebrities who incited violence and continue to do so.
6 years, 1 month ago
So you're against Trump for inciting violence and against Milo Yianoppolis for inciting violence then?
6 years, 1 month ago
Well you would have to cite cases of Milo or Trump for inciting violence....both would deny it and I have not heard any of it.  Citations?  DO you really want me to cite the few 100 news sources and celebrities in writing or videos, saying punch him in the face, dox them, ruin their lives...or are you that ignorant whats going on...

here's the latest argument...they have white privilege because they can hire a PR firm and lawyers who file lawsuits for slander and libel against these kids, who again did nothing wrong, waiting for bus. and did everything right, decrying racism, homophobia, saying they loved their black student who was uncle tom for being with them and would organs harvested by those ebel white kids.

do you really really want to go into how many shows and celebrities said they wanted to punch them in face...not to mention to ruin them...kathy griffin, trevor noah, alyssia melanio, off top of head...and they are still doubling down that these kids deserved death threats.  
6 years, 1 month ago
really weird...you dont see libertarians or conservatives calling to punch people in the face <--seems like a trope...but liberals...punch them all, felony assault btw....
6 years, 1 month ago
As is my argument. The way the tabloids and their supporters force a narrative, un-apologetically lying directly to everyone's face while at the same time showing you footage which every second of it invalidates every syllable they have to say.

If it isn't that, they literally make up tens of paragraphs of information and pull a story out of their butts before any facts or context is known, only to immediately be proven wrong because of jumping the gun. And then, refer to the above.

Standing still and smiling is not a crime. I'm thoroughly amused by the fact it has so many people in an uproar. It is beautiful that even that bothers people as much as it does. Of the multiple angles of multiple videos taken, nothing illegal occurred. And according to eyewitness accounts, that native-american guy went out of his own way to approach those other individuals with the intent of antagonizing them.
6 years, 1 month ago
the proof comes when indian guy tried to invade a catholic church during mass that same night, after permit to protest expired, the catholic had to lock its doors, there is video of this.  But this is protest against media behavior.    A lot of them are doing apologies, no apology retractions.  Trevor Noah has video out saying, yeah you wanna punch those kids in face...

NO NO No non psychopathetic person 1st respond, is I wanna felony assault on a kid...then he goes on to LIE and repeat lies the indian guy told that he was trying to keep peace as his group told kids, go back to europe. ..downplays death threats they encouraged...meh, thats wrong, but we still want to punch him in face...psychopaths.
6 years, 1 month ago
actually the indians violated their permit to protest after it expires and committed simple assault by getting up in that kids face.
6 years, 1 month ago
True enough. Whether its waving an object just in front of their nose or even using your mouth to blow in someones face counts as simple assault. Deliberately got in to their personal space to antagonize them.
6 years, 1 month ago
No crime happened. He's flipping out over nothing.

But I'm not surprised as he thinks Indians are native to America.

No, Indians are native to India.

He's not the brightest lion.
6 years, 1 month ago
Sorry if I don't adopt the PC names for people...which would you prefer?  American Indian, Amerind, Aboriginal, Indian...just gonna use the shortest.  Sorry, not sorry.  And no indians are asiatic colonists who came here long ago.  Funny thing is there are non PC science that says Europeans came at same time....Solutrean hypothesis...matching up stone artifacts and monolithic star oriented buildings (big stones/monuments oriented toward stellar stuff) to those in france and england (stonehenge).  They went across ice shelves over atlantic, settled massive colony in cheaspeake, then spread out through ohio valley, the mound builders...they were tall, 6-7+ feet, by skeletons found by ivy college professors...unfortunately the only evidence of red haired big people are newspaper photos from late 1800s, cuz they all been disappeared...but they did DNA evidence on 10,000 yr old body in canada, to see which native tribe had claim to land, its a thing there and to body, and it turned out european.

As far as crimes...the kid in question could claim basic assault against indian who drummed in his face for 20+ minutes while chanting...assault if the drum ever touched him at all.  Other crimes, libel and slander for calling them racist.  Incitation to commit violence for anyone who said they wanted to punch him in face and said this should happen, as well as people inciting people to DOX him....there's lotsa crimes there...thats not legal to do to someone.  AND they got lawyers now...I really want this to explode into a lot of real apologies, court ordered or voluntary, or a lot of money for these kids.
6 years, 1 month ago
The whole "name" thing is the one thing on which I agree with the lunatic above you.  "Indian" isn't right or accurate.  On the other hand, most of the words we use do not roll off the tongue well, do they?
6 years, 1 month ago
me and yiffox were actually talking about maybe making comic about this...who is decided the names...we were joking around the 2 nights ago...who decides the names...and we were making prank names for "races'

He said it best.  A story he told me.  I think he was working at hotel,blk guests come in, ask him how many races of humans are there.  He said without thinking, one.  They laughed and called him a humanitarian, according to him.  I think we both agree.,..we are not going to change our names for people every 5 yrs based on what they say we should call them.  So indian american, amerind, indians, its all wrong...its a powerplay over words....just like black, negro, colored, african american...sorry, if your gonna argue what we call people...Im not white....so stop calling me that.  I am slav which was not called white 50 yrs ago.
6 years, 1 month ago
Good point.  Just being pedantic, sorry.
6 years, 1 month ago
its funny how quickly you backed down :)
6 years, 1 month ago
If you'll reread my initial post, you might note that I was saying "yes, technically he's right, but it's not like we've got better words."  I only "backed down" because it's not exactly a major point of argument for me.

Again, I was just being pedantic.
6 years, 1 month ago
well factually the indian lied to press, he was wrong, committed slander...and then tried to peacefully bust into catholic church later that evening during mass after his permit to protest expired...saying be wanted to march up to nave to read demands on whole european people to get off his land.  The church had to lock the doors...This is all on video.
6 years, 1 month ago
I am aware of all of that...I was being pedantic about the language - in other words, I was being a word nerd, because the word "Indian" bothers me on a level of "It's hard to tell when someone means 'Native American' Indian or 'Southeast Asian' Indian without context."  That was what I said, in not quite as clear language I suppose, in my initial post in this thread.

We're arguing past each other at this point, and it's kind of frustrating.

I seem to recall that you said you're Slav somewhere on here, so I'm going to assume English isn't your first/native language.  If so, please reread what I stated in my initial post in this thread.
6 years, 1 month ago
We were discussing this among ourselves a few days ago.  English is first language.  It seemed to us people were saying you need to call us this or that, and it is a power play.  They want to use language to dominate people.  Who is anyone to declare you must call us something as they are usually arbitrary thing.  My friend pointed out in conversation, we call other people by anglicized names that they do not call themselves.  German is Deutsch.  Irish is  Na hÉireannaigh in their own language.  These are examples
gave me.
6 years, 1 month ago
Again, we're arguing about two completely different points; you're not wrong when you say people are using language as an excuse to control how we think about things, but I'm not wrong to say (as I was initially trying to say!) that "Indian" is a confusing term since it can apply to two groups because Columbus made an honest mistake and it stuck for like 400-450 years.

I think it's best we just drop it at this rate.  Neither of us are getting anywhere like this :P
6 years, 1 month ago
I agree with you and I don't think there is any call for assaulting someone just because they are wearing a MAGA hat. what I was trying to get at is that DarkeLeo said at one point that they were 5 and then 15, and then again they were 5 so for the sake of keeping facts straight I just wondered which it was. I do however think that suggesting that Black people and Native Americans are radical political groups is a little racist weather that was the intention or not
6 years, 1 month ago
yes, this is parody of events on purpose.  Because the media came down on 15 yrs old waiting for bus to go home on school trip....who did everything right.  On video, they decried homophobia, decried racist, told fellow black students they loved them when others said they would get their organs harvested....and no I am saying the 6ish people yelling insults at kids waiting for bus are radicals, by what they said, the homophobic, racist, you are have lice and incest babies comments on video.  The indians are radicals because they got up in inches of a kids face for 20 minutes or more, while their others were yelling go back to europe, this is our land....
6 years, 1 month ago
I'm unwatching you, goodbye forever.
6 years, 1 month ago
Hahaha. Yeaah I wasn't watching to begin with but definitely not going to start now.
6 years, 1 month ago
aww is the media triggering you? That's sad.

Sorry but according to the constitution, freedom of the media is built in. It's right there next to free speech. Since you want to censor the media, let me quote the constitution you agree to by being a citizen of the United States
[quote]Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[/quote]

If you don't agree with the constitution then you have to amend it.
6 years, 1 month ago
wow.  This has nothing to do with freedom of the press as it does not call for the government to censor them, nor does it mention censorship at all.  This is a CRITICISM of the press for blatant lying.  Then when they are faced with the lies, they either do not back down, claiming the kids deserved their attacks because they support Trump or they falsely go with narrative that the three sides involved all had their own side of the story.  This ignores there is full video of the incident showing what I stated above.

And there is a remedy for this.  The kids have lawyers now and will be suing for slander and libel the media sources that defamed them and encouraged violence against these kids.
6 years, 1 month ago
I saw the video. There are no kids being attacked in that video.
6 years, 1 month ago
so you saw someone chanting in a kid's face for over 20 minutes and moving a stick inches from his face for 20 minutes, and the debatable, maybe drum hit his shoulder repeatedly over 20+ minutes...

legally that's called simple assault.  If the kid at all feared for his safety, this intrusion of private space would be justified, so crime committed, after 3 minutes Id be like WTF you doing, get out of my face.  What's odd is the racist sexist, blabla bla kid is still composed and on video tells other students on video not to engage on indians telling them to go back to europe.

So simple assault legally is not an attack on your weird idiot books, tho on the lawbooks.
6 years, 1 month ago
You neglected to mention the school shooting threat and (IIRC?) bomb threat publicly made against the school.  That's not exactly in the video, since it was a reaction to the (misrepresented) video.
6 years, 1 month ago
well death threats incited by celebrities,,,this is why we got so angry and made this
6 years, 1 month ago
"Then the Indian radicals marched up beating drums, and it was a group, saying they the kids should go back to Europe and its not their land." Do you have a citation for this?

The NATIVE AMERICANS were drumming for peace and ignoring the onslaught of insults and threats coming from the right. Since you don't like to source anything, let me. I made sure to not use a source on your axis of evil list.
6 years, 1 month ago
Glad you have a biased unfact checked article repeating the lies the Indian told.  That he was trying to intervene to stop the rage feuled kids.  He lied about that.  He lied about serving overseas in Vietnam.  He lied about being spit on when he returned home.  (He never served overseas.)  He lied about the boys shouting racist things.  (They did call the Black radicals racist and homophobes for the awful things they were shouting and did HS sport chants to drown them out.)  Does your article also mentioned the Indian tried to also interrupt a mass service at a Catholic church that same day?  Suppose he was doing that for peace too?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPmS6DH7Mg4  7:23 is where members of his group telling kids to go back to Europe.  For peace?  Maybe you should actually watch the video before you quote #fakenews sources.  THAT is the point of this art.  The media blatantly lied.  Sorry if it doesn't fit YOUR narrative.  I am not Republican, nor did I vote for Trump.  But this incident of media lies is just over the top.
6 years, 1 month ago
Again you say lies without citing any sources.

LOL you're really bad at this.
6 years, 1 month ago
ok, so the actual video evidence of what happened and time code where they said it, is somehow not proof....

are you an idiot?
6 years, 1 month ago
I never said I wanted to censor you. I merely said that I respectably disagree with you and do not wish to continue supporting you by way of watching, also if a friend of mine says something that I disagree with, is it not my right to discontinue our friendship if I wish to?
6 years, 1 month ago
Eh.  Sad that you can't be friends with someone unless you agree with them on everything.  I'm sure you will end up with a lot of friends.  But glad this art has gotten some conversation over the media lying and encouraging violence.
6 years, 1 month ago
I think strawmaning the left to beating children is a bit of a pathetic thing to do. A 15 yo old shouting racist slurs at a native American is not an innocent 5 year old wearing a Maga hat.

Also you're now strawmaning Whoolk who said it is his right to end a friendship if he wants to. You flipped it to any disagreement he has with someone means he can't be friends with him.

Does it make it easier to argue against a position your opponent isn't taking?
6 years, 1 month ago
except he did not.  He smiled and then told on video his fellow students not to engage an Indian GROUP telling them to go back to europe, while they on camera denounced racism, homophobia by other side, and told black student when attacked they love him, ON VIDEO.

I think you need to look up what strawman means, cuz YOU are the one doing it.  And no I said he SHOULD engage people who disagree with them, including me and thats not valid reason to unfriend someone...so strawman on your part, more than that, its just a blatant misrepresentation of what I said...I said...THE IDEA ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH YOU CAN'T BE FRIENDS with you is stupid and you wont have many friends...how is that a strawman...I'm thinking you are stupid at this point.  prove me wrong.
6 years, 1 month ago
"Never waste your time trying to explain yourself to people who are committed to misunderstanding you." - Unknown
6 years, 1 month ago
pets u
6 years, 1 month ago
Inkbunny is a furry website lol
6 years, 1 month ago
I'm centrist trash so here's the last word from Wikipedia because i'm a lazy bum

"One week later The New Yorker reported that the "sad truth" of the incident was that "no one's behavior was above reproach". The boys' body language was intimidating, they did seem to mock Phillips and Phillips had "mischaracterized the nature of the encounter"

Also your cartoon look dangerously like the one from Ben "Most Likely to hump a Trump bodypillow" Garisson,right to giving baby eyes to Sandmann
6 years, 1 month ago
well no, categorically wrong.  The "MAGA" kids were waiting for bus to take them home, told to assemble here at certain time and place...sure you know how field trips work.  

BUT we have video of what happened...1 hour of black radical saying vile things to teenagers waiting for bus.  How did they react on video..."that's racist"  "that's homophobic"  when these scumbags attacked black students they said they loved him while he was rubbing belly worrying about organ harvesting they black radicals just yelled.  SO yes, the boys behavior was ABOVE reproach...they were waiting for bus, and called out homophobic and racism.  Meanwhile the adults looking to get press, the black group said really racist and homophobic things.  Its all on video my friend, and sad that media does not want to report it.  They said black group were bible preachers saying the white kids are all inbred incestuous, organ harvesters.  Along with an hour of other insults, ...then the indian GROUP, not one liar marched up to get photo ops...(PS their permit to protest had expire an hour ago, which is why kids with same permit were leaving...the indian group also bust in on catholic church to interrupt mass FOR PEACE but then lies about his vietnam vet serving overseas, spitting on coming home, etc...kids were violent, wanted a piece of flesh...they intervened to preserve peace..so gonna bang a drum in 15yr old face chanting inches from face...

well, yiffox drew inks.  He told me he just googled image of 5 yr old profile as reference...glad you want to want to attribute alternate motives to drawing a 5 yr old based on 5 yr old picture.

And we made this a 5 yr old as satire to say...how far media would go...WOULD they or you punch a 5 yr old...when its unacceptable to punch a 15 yr old, but you and media is saying, lets do it.
6 years, 1 month ago
"And we made this a 5 yr old as satire to say...how far media would go...WOULD they or you punch a 5 yr old...when its unacceptable to punch a 15 yr old, but you and media is saying, lets do it"

That say a lot about our society yo. Pass the toke
6 years, 1 month ago
LOL....Yiffox is STILL arguing with people on youtube saying its ok to punch 15 yr olds
6 years, 1 month ago
I'm sure people are dying to heard Yiffox take on the events
6 years, 1 month ago
so do you think its ok to punch 15 yr olds, felony assault?
6 years, 1 month ago
Ask Yifffox
6 years, 1 month ago
Exactly zero five year olds in real life have been punched for wearing MAGA hats, but keep nursing that victim complex, I guess.
6 years, 1 month ago
you don't understand this is parody...NO ONE SHOULD GET PUNCHED for wearing MAGA hat or any political statement...NO VIOLENCE...do you get the irony there?  because media and celebrities wanted violence against these kids who did nothing....what's worse is they did everything right...they shouted down racist, shouted down homophobia...but media will not show that...that smile, trevor noah said you just wanna punch that...and NO...no sane person wants to punch 15 yr olds....except liberals.  see what we are getting at?  we say say felony assault on minors is really really bad...media says ruin their lives.
6 years, 1 month ago
Go be Pro Trump somewhere else
6 years, 1 month ago
Kinda missing the point.  This is NOT pro trump, its the media lies about children, that encouraged death threats, shutting down schools, encouraging active violence - punch them in face and let's ruin their lives.  The kids were waiting for bus and harassed by racist black group and indian group that marched up into their faces, saying go back to europe.  Same group later tried to ambush a catholic church (I think they have something against catholics) and the people in church had to lock the doors.  All on tape...do you want links to video showing this abusing behavior against kids waiting to go home at designated spot.

Do you just hate the kids or what? (using media language against you)
1 year, 4 months ago
Yet I doubt you care when black and brown kids are told to go back to Africa or Mexico. You don’t care when right wing news outlets lie about the election or the vaccine.
1 year, 2 months ago
well those lies about vaccine were proven true if you actually read the studies.  And black kids should not be coming across border legally, right?  Did you see thing an african country was making fake passports to say adult men were children.  

But thanks for racism.  I've had more black and brown dick up my ass than you can imagine. Not to mention mine up there's.  My last boyfriend was black.  But thanks for insults saying I'm racist.
1 year, 6 months ago
Eww pro trump content?
1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
as I said no...this is antiwhite "journalism" that told lies again and again.  I really don't understand the anti- trump thing.  Let's see only president in 100 years who did not get us into wars, but tried to pull us out of them because as he said...its not about winning, its about lives being lost.
1 year, 2 months ago
This guy is even dumber than I thought
1 year, 2 months ago
yes because you are soooooo smart.   How is the Biden thing working for you?  2 new wars, massive inflation, and a guy who clearly has dementia.  I'm not republican or democrat, but I do look at results.
1 year ago
me when i put a hat in a children that doens't know what maga or Trump is about, about to get punch by some kind of weirdo with these tv stations for someone reason, just to owning the libs -
9 months, 2 weeks ago
this if you read is about a specific incident.  The kid was about 17 and media is the fist that accused him of wrong doing for gathering at bus pickup stop for him smiling at some Indian activist who got up in his face banging a drum.  He and his school got death threats and he sued and got millions.
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