Every commission purchased between now and the end of the month gets you two entry tickets into a raffle for a chance to win a 1 char fullbody picture with colored lines! Thats a 20-25$ deal!
Can you draw a picture of me getting changed? That will cost more, but I'll pay 50 dollars for it. The one I want changing me is my mommy who is the teddy I'm hugging in this picture https://inkbunny.net/s/1731957
Can you draw a picture of me getting changed? That will cost more, but I'll pay 50 dollars for it. T
sure! I would be happy to draw you getting a diaper change from your mama <3 ! do you want to be on a changing mat on the floor , or on a changing table? :) and would you like your little bunny bits visible , or shall i keep it sfw and have your crotch slightly abscued maybe by the diaper or something so theres no naughty bits.
heres that next wip! Background is fully painted in , and characters are inked ^^ If it looks good ill just need to color up you and mama , color the lines and it will be done!
heres that next wip! Background is fully painted in , and characters are inked ^^ If it looks good i
okay, I'll buy one more! Can I have my bunny naked with a crying face over his mom's lap while she spanks him with a paddle, I'll pay 50 dollars again if so!
okay, I'll buy one more! Can I have my bunny naked with a crying face over his mom's lap while she s