Lavender Pandy (FA name Rainbowpanda ) was drawing various furry characters as Phoenix Wright characters, so this is me as Wocky Kitaki (from Apollo Justice).
It's... it's in the title... and description... and keywords. I'm dressed as "Wocky Kitaki" from the fourth game, "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney". I don't know how I can make it clearer... @_@
~~~ Quote by CLCoon: forgot his name though XP ~~~ It's... it's in the title... and descripti
I'm sorry if I came off sounding rude... I was more flabbergasted that you'd managed to see the picture and comment on it without looking at any of those. @_@ Trying to convey perplexedness, not condescension.
I'm sorry if I came off sounding rude... I was more flabbergasted that you'd managed to see the pict