By Necessity: Orientation
By TerraMGP
The trip to the spire wasn’t too unusual for Kani. At least not as much as one might expect from a class 3 like her. Sure, it felt a bit odd simply striding into the lobby. The massive, polished hub representing the public face of Yggdrasil to the masses both here and throughout the galaxy. She strode in confidently. Wearing nothing more than her normal clothing and a heavy brown messenger bag. All the while secretaries and security waved her on with a painted-on smile. All of them clearly making note of her new ID. Her new credentials. Slave to Lord Thaneson. Somehow more respect than she’d ever gotten as a ‘free’ woman.
It was, perhaps, one of the few amusing things about this otherwise distasteful arrangement.
A mix of guards and AR leads finally got her to one of the massive lifts scattered around the walls of the ground floor. Heavy, military grade blast doors screamed open allowing her into the lift car. She was greeted with a soft greenish flash. The hallmark of a scanning system. Far less harsh than the abrasive multi-spectrum things she often had to put up with doing her runs.
For someone like her, someone who had spent half of her young life making money on runs into the upper classes, and the other half being amusement for them, it was almost gratifying to be ushered in to their world so freely. Passed along upwards like some respectable member of society. Literally soaring up to the realms of the elite.
There was a momentary pause before the doors at the end of the bay swung open. With her new equipment Kani could see the signatures of at least a dozen emplaced Maser weapons lined around the lift well hidden under heavy plating. All of them were hardwired. Near impossible to get into even if she had the skill. An impressive bit of security. Though given the nature of the place it almost seemed a bit light.
She made her way slowly into the main entrance hall. An affair of wood and slate lined with old style portraits and hanging boughs of flowers. Mistletoe and juniper, based on the countless fantasy Holos Bri had made Kani sit though. At the far end of the hall a woman stood rail straight. A mottled vipress in her late twenties wearing an impossibly sharp black and white maids outfit, complete with a thick collar and overly heavy O ring around the neck. She let a dejected little hiss slip as Kani approached. Violet eyes never once leaving the bunny girls body. The all too familiar pattern of an optical patdown as if all the scanners in the lift hadn’t been enough assurance.
“Well now, this is one hell of a welcome. And after I put in all the effort to come on down here for you guys.” Kani chuckled softly. It was impossible to keep her tail from wriggling. Not that she would anyways. The sour face of the maid woman was simply far too good to pass up.
“You’re fifteen minutes late, and hardly prepared. You’re lucky that your welcome is this warm.” The serpent hissed softly. One hand went to her plump hip as the other snapped fiercely and gestured for Kanina to step forwards. A demand the bunny eventually acquiesced to. If only to speed things along.
“My name is Sita, and I am the co-head maid of Masters estate. I am responsible for the care and discipline of all slaves to wear his collar. This includes you, even if it does not seem you have it on.” Sita snapped. She glanced to the messenger bag hanging around Kanina’s shoulder. As if she were peering in to check and assure herself the object was present.
She couldn’t, of course. Even as Sita sized Kani up the bunny had already used her new gear to quickly sweep over the serpent. There were no signs of any cybernetic augmentation. At least nothing beyond the expected norms. A data jack, some extra security wetware. Probably some nanohive to help retard the aging process. Nothing big or specialized enough to make her a real threat. That fact alone was more than enough to satisfy Kani. The bunny quickly pushing her paw deep into the bag and yanking out the collar that had come with her new ‘uniform’. Holding it up squarely in place for Sita to see.
“Well that’s something at least. And I presume you have the rest of the uniform in that bag as well?”
“Yes Miss Sita” Kani chirped. Her tone the classic sing-song every student had mockingly chimed and every teacher had dreaded from time immemorium.
Sita traced a small mark in the air and scowled. “That’s one. I hope we can do something about that attitude while you’re here. Unfortunately I doubt Master is simply going to put you back and out of our hair.”
Phh, Oh please. Like I’d stick around longer than I have to anyways.” Kani muttered “So what, I got called down here so you can look me over? Do I get an orientation pamphlet or something on top of it? Is there one of those team building seminars? Woz I really hope you’re not the speaker.”
The only reply was a small sniff of contempt as Sita turned and pushed the heavy oak doors opened. The pair entering into a large open foyer branching out in several directions. A huge, opulent two story affair hardly seen on even the lower class 1 homes. Like the hall it was set with hard oak and sheets of slate. Unlike the hall it was also filled with all manner of junk. Empty shipping crates. Boxes stacked half full of parts. Reams of packaging material. All of it littered the hall in a barely organized chaos. From the corner of her eye Kani could pick up on a few of the exposed items. Everything from nanohive refills to heavy machining equipment. Kani stopped a moment at one of the items and broke off from the rigid Sita. She paced her way up to one of the newly opened boxes and ran her hand over the large blue and green sign of an all too familiar machine.
“This is one of those vintage Aether dispensers. From the 60s, right?” Kani giggled eagerly.”
“Y-yes, M-ma’am.” A small voice chirped from the side of it. Kani leaned over, propped up on one foot. Her eyes catching sight of a trembling little shrew girl hugging a plushy. Her disheveled maid uniform covered in bits of static charged packing material along the lacy bottom and ill fitting knee socks.
“Well hey there.” Kani chuckled. She reached out to tuss the girls hair, stopping short when the little shrew shrank a bit further.
“Tori.” Sita snapped. “There is no need to be afraid, girl. Come out.”
The shrew, Tori, slowly obeyed. She stood at a rigid and near perfect attention, save for her arms wrapped firmly around the plush. The girls blue-grey eyes downcast and tracing the wood where its joints met, not daring to look up at Sita or the new girl.
Sita took a few steps forwards and tilted the girls face up with a soft grip to her muzzle. Nothing rough, nothing violent. Yet still firm and cold in a way that set Kanina’s fur on edge.
“I thought you’d have the inventory done by now, girl. You’ve had all morning after all. How much do you have left?”
“I… ThisoneisdoneMissSitaMa’am” She yelped out in one huge chunk of terrified vocalizations. “B-but Master was really looking forward to this, and it’s still got lots of lil packing bits in it. S-so this one thought that if I, I mean, if it got cleaned …”
“That’s not your job.” Sita sighed “You’ve done your job, little one. Now you need to go to your lessons. Master said he may wish for a show from little Tori later, and he would be very cross if you didn’t have all of your homework done first. I would be too.”
Tori nodded and gripped the plush tightly. She offered something that could reasonably be called a bow and slowly paced her way around the pair. Her eyes fixed firmly on Kani the whole time. Once Tori had gotten a few meters away from the new arrival she quickly dashed up the stairs. Thudding a few times in her mad dash to get out of sight quickly.
“Well that wasn’t upsetting or disturbing in the least.” Kani muttered. Her eyes turned from the doorway where the cub had vanished back to Sita, the woman remaining paifully stoic.
“She’s still a child. Master is very clear. Education is top priority.”
Kani rolled her eyes and made her way towards the stairs. Her sneakers sinking heavily into the shockingly plush carpet that ran along each step. “Why should it matter? I mean the kid is where she’s going to stay, right? School is slag even at the best of times. Never did me no good.”
“Any good.” Sita sighed
“No good.” Kani said again, her grin only growing that much wider “and my job isn’t, or I guess wasn’t, laying back and taking bear dick all day.”
“You really are insufferable, you know that?” Sita snapped. The snake was quick to make her way up the stairs and around Kani. Leading the bunny up and towards the other opening at the top. “Master has no use for dumb girls. Something I’d say disqualifies you if it weren’t for knowing just how technologically gifted you happen to be. Every boy and girl under this household is expected to be well educated. There is a proper demand for excellence.”
“uh huh.” Kanina followed the head maid only a few paces behind. Her eyes still tracing over portraits and displays. Technical schematics, odd inventions and classical oil based paintings of old wolves in stuffy formal ware hung untouched on the walls. Even the frames looked like they probably cost more than a months rent on her moms place. To Sita they were little more than white noise. The serpent inundated to the opulence around her. “So tell me, miss head maid. If they are all to be educated, why the fack did that poor thing seem so traumatized. Too much homework or something?”
“If you must know.” Sita sighed. “Some of it is her training, and the condition Master chooses to keep her in. He does find much of her behavior… pretty. In a way.”
“And this is the guy my best friend likes.” Kani sighed.
“He’s your owner now, girl.” Sita snapped “And for your information he may enjoy it, but he did not make her that way. Nor is her condition being exacerbated in any unacceptable way. Came to us this way. She was a gift.”
“A secret admirer or something? ‘Master’ so well off that the people who hit on him need to send him cock socks?” Kani laughed bitterly.
“From his sister, actually.” Sita muttered. No sooner had she said the words than she turned and gazed at the bunny. A quick lock-step twist as the vipress attempted to loom predatorily over her new subordinate.
It was a quaint little display. Almost enough to keep Kanina from rolling her eyes. Almost.
“Sister, hmm? So which one was it? The militant brute or the crazy recluse?”
Sita stood slack jawed at the accusation. The maid fumbling an stumbling over her words while her hands struggled to keep the firm wrist-in-hand grasp that had been drilled so deeply into her.
“Oh come on, ‘miss’ Sita. You think us class 3s don’t hear about this kind of stuff? The older one took off Woz knows where to start some kind of commune or temple or something after spending her whole life growing up with a hard on for the military. Then you have baby sis who acts like little miss perfect when she’s in the feeds, but spends every waking moment locked in her suites unless our dear CEO calls on her. Only interesting part of civics class back in high school was watching the teacher try to spin all of that into something noble-sounding so we’d all get patriotic and happy about working ourselves to death in some factory for a subsistence wage.”
The snake didn’t answer. Her eyes burning. Her jaw gritted. Her plump chest heaving hard with furious, sucking breaths. She quickly slammed her palm on a nearby door and forced it opened. The loud thud ringing down the hallways.
“Get in.” Sita snapped.
“Oh wow, not in here ten minutes and already getting punished am I?” Kani giggled “it must be a record!”
“It’s a bathroom. Get in, get changed, get back out here. Master wants your orientation finished before dinner this evening. This will not be happening in your dirty civilian rags.”
The threats did little to move Kanina. She acquiesced, more to move things along than anything. Her face a mask of contentment, pausing to feel Sita’s impotent fury radiating off of her. She was not expecting the sudden, firm grip on her ass. Fingers digging in though the tight running shorts. Kneading the toned flesh with a shocking amount of skill. “And I should warn you, I am keeping score. These buns will be quite sorry for that smart mouth of yours later, ‘Slave’ Kanina.”
The door slammed shut before Kani could respond. Just in time for her to finally let a half chuckle, half moan slip her lips. “Oh Woz.” She sighed. “This girl might almost make this whole farce worth it.”
Brinna had never seen the spire before. At least not in any way she‘d consider having actually ‘seen‘ it. Sure, anyone who went to a park or the bulk of class 2 areas would likely get a good glimpse of the massive standing structure at the center of the station. Heck she’d even been in it once, though the ride up had been in one of those large limos that made seeing outside nearly impossible.
Yet now, here it was. Looming down as they drove in closer. A shimmering, near perfect looking pillar which housed the seat of power for the whole of their home corp. It was awe inspiring. Even now. Seeing it on the drive up from her simple class 3 hovel. Watching the blocks of apartments and official facilities swell before her. The whole thing was almost enough for her to forget the incessant chattering of the plump raccoon woman as she drove them in to a large garage complex poking out from the base of the spire.
Even the ride up felt like a dream. A large semi-industrial sized lift speeding along though floor after floor. No indicator of where they were headed. But she knew. They both knew. A whole lift stop, just for one building. One home.
“Are you sure you’re ok, Brinna?” Chepi chirped happily. “You’ve been awful quiet this whole trip.”
“Y-yeah. I’m fine. Sorry, Chepi.” She muttered
“Are you sure? Like super sure? You’re not sick to your stomach or anything are you? Oh I bet that’s it.”
Brinna shook her head in protest, not that it helped much. The maid raccoon wasted no time in snagging Brinna by the wrist and dragging her quickly though the slate and wood façade of the hallway. Dashing past a massive pile of shipping containers and heavy staircase down along one hallway and into a large dining room.
By the time they got there it was all Bri could do to keep from falling over. Her body straining to deal with Chepi’s energy and enthusiasm, and the older girl blissfully unaware of Bri’s discomfort.
“Go on, sit right down. I’ve got just the thing for your tummy. We can start with the tour after we get you all set up.”
The room was rather odd. The walls held heavy tapestries and displays of old weapons fit for some fantastical dining hall. The table was likewise heavy wood with long benches laid out along the sides and a large ornate seat at the head. Another, slightly less ornate one at the far end mirroring it. Yet all along the table was a mess of school-grade pads and half assembled machines. Toys and collectables strewn about, and even a half finished game of chess sitting next to some ancient and clearly unused candle holder.
A pair of figures sat near the head end of the table. A boy, a young tween Pine Martin, hunched over a pad with his hoodie pulled over his face. His hair, teal and pink at the tips moving to a jet black, covered his eyes rather well, and the hood barely contained his ears.
The girl sat across from him was a young Kangaroo rat, maybe a year older than the boy. She wore a light jacket over her maid uniform and slowly worked on assembling a small holo projector unit. The kind often found in hobbyist shops and in the tech lab at their school, for those few who could afford to put their children in such programs.
Both cubs spared her a small glance before going back to their work. Neither one bothering to raise questions or offer any sort of greeting.
After a few moments Bri slowly slumped back into the seat at the far end of the table. As far as she reasonably could get while still sitting. She looked down at the table and snagged a few small bits of metal and plastic. Idly fidgeting with them. Tugging and pushing at a few loose components or bundles of fiber optic cable. The whole scene became a dance of sorts. Brinna struggling to avoid contact with the cubs while foolishly twisting and tweaking whatever little bit of something she could get her hand on. Finally settling after Gods knew how many minutes on a small ring of metal with a ring of magnetic bearings along it. Something just big enough to fit loosely around any one of her slender fingers.
“Feeling better?” Chepi chirped, The enthusiastic tone nearly knocking poor Brinna out of her seat once more.
“Yes! I mean, yeah.. I mean… you startled me.” Bri whimpered. “Sorry…”
“Sorry?” Chepi blinked. “Why sorry?”
“I donno.” Bri whimpered “Sorry.”
Chepi rolled her eyes softly and set a small plate of cookies down along with a big glass of what looked to be chocolate milk. Brinna reached over to grab the mug and winced at the heat rushing into her hands.
“Gahh, Careful.” Chepi sighed “I just made that cocoa.”
Brinna blinked and nodded softly. She thrust one paw into her arm pit as the other grabbed the handle of the mug and pulled it nervously up to her face. She blew on it a bit and took a nervous little sip. The mug quickly went back down to the table as she scraped her tongue against those big bucked teeth.
“Maybe it’d be better if you let that cool a bit.” Chepi giggled “Enjoy a cookie or two in the mean time. It’ll help settle your stomach.”
“it’s really not bad, though.” Brinna whimpered. “I’m just a bit, overwhelmed I guess. I mean this is a lot to take in.”
A small nod and a stifled giggle were all the Raccoon girl offered up as she slipped down onto the bench near Bri. She reached over and snagged one of the bits of shortbread from the plate, paying Bri only a half cocked glance before nibbling it up happily. “Well, yeah. Master does have a kinda big place. Though between you and me I think he likes having it more for the storage than anything. I guess this was traditionally the home of the eldest in each generation since they tended to have the biggest families. Back when more of the spire was used for administrative work and the rulers liked to have their children in the same quarters.”
“In the same quarters? What’s that mean?” It wasn’t really the question at the front of Bri’s mind. But it was all she could come up with as she nibbled nervously on the tip of a cookie.
Chepi shrugged softly and took another from the plate. “Well I mean now, with so many Yggdrasil subsidiaries having their own HQ buildings on station elsewhere or on planet, there’s a lot more room. So naturally some of the old offices were converted into new apartments and suites. And so Master, and his sisters, each got their own set of suites to call their own. I suppose it gives the Lady Thane more room.”
“So, what. This was like, his play room?” Bri quizzed. “That seems like a lot of space for a little kid.”
“Oh no, not a play room. This was his home.” Chepi corrected. “I suppose the Lady Thane decided that it would be easier to use the old bedrooms in the executive suite for other purposes. So Master and his nannies and maids would all live here. It’s pretty simple really.”
The room fell silent, save for the loud munching from Chepi who seemed unparsed by all she’d just said. Bri glanced up at the two cubs sitting at the other end of the table a moment before looking back at the maid and taking another small attempted sip at the cocoa. “So, like, if he needed his mom, he had to get in the lift and go all the way up to her suites?”
“If she gave permission, sure.” Chepi shrugged.
“But, but what if he had an important question? Or had a bad dream? Or hurt himself?”
The Raccoon fell silent. Her smile still annoyingly bubbly. But for a moment Bri could swear she saw it fade some. She returned to the cookies and attempted to dip one into the cocoa. Slowly nibbling the soggy bit of sweet breadyness and fiddling with the small ring now clutched firmly in paw.
During this silent period, the two cubs both got up and left. Both at different times, neither saying a word to each other or the two older women at the other end of the table. Bri swallowed hard and glanced back to Chepi once more as the Raccoon worked to finish what was likely the cookie that put her to having eaten over half the plate.
“So, uh, Chepi. I know Mater likes cubs. I mean he was up front with that from the start. But, I mean…”
“Why are there so many? Chepi finished
“Well that, and I guess what are they doing? I kind of imagined. Well I don’t know what I imagined.”
“Sure you do.” Chepi corrected.
“Y-yeah, I guess.” Bri muttered, blushing
“One of these days, many of those little ones will end up being released.” Chepi sighed almost dreamily. “They need to know how to survive. They need to be themselves. The best selves they can be. We owe them that, don’t we? For the joy they give our Master?”
“Released…” Bri muttered the word. It was bitter in her moth. Seeming to stick to the small burned spot at the end of her tongue
He can’t simply hoard them forever, can he? How would that be fair? It’s just one of those things you’ll learn to get used to while you’re here, Bri. Master is more complicated than I think you give him credit for.”
The Dormouse nodded gently. She brought the mug to her lips and took another sip. It burned. She barely noticed.
“Ok then. Feeling better?” Chepi chirped.
Bri nodded softly.
“Good.” the Raccoon nodded. She held out a hand in offering and smiled wide. “I admit, you look proper and comfy in that chair. But I think we should start the tour. Master wants you in his study by the time he’s done working.”
The day was already getting on by the time Sean finally made his way out of the office. His throat was sore from trying to keep up the bulk of day long conference calls. His eyes already ached from splitting attention across five AR readouts. That was the problem with passion projects, they were vampires. Never caring how much they drew from a person so long as they were completed. Monsters consuming time, energy, thought, inspiration. The whole process had long ago convinced the bear of one simple truth. Anyone who claimed creation was not an addiction had never before created.
He was lucky, though. Far more than most. For everything his muse drained. Every line of code, every joint and seam in his drafting software, every hour agonizing over imagined scenarios, he had his escapes. Ways to recharge. Ways for his privilege to put back into him what his mind drew out.
Sita and Chepi made quick work to reinforce this just as the bear stepped from his lab. Sean stopping and lifting his arms as the snake slowly began undoing the stuffy suit jacket and shirt he’d spent the bulk of the day in. Her hands stopping just short of the hem of his loose cotton pajama pants. Something he allowed himself since the displays never went down that far anyways. She gathered the garments up in a bundle while Chepi quickly handed off two neatly folded garments. Sean wasted no time in yanking the ‘Flight of Falcons’ shirt over his head and pulling on the tattered, sleeveless blue flannel shirt he’d grown fond of over the past few months.
“I take it everything is in order for this evening?” The bear laughed.
“As much as can be expected.” Sita muttered softly. A heavy note of annoyance creeping into her hiss.
“oh come on, Sita. You gotta stop being so dour. Everything is going great so far!”
“Easy for you to say.” Sita muttered. “You got the little mouse. All you had to do is assuage a bit of anxiety and likely stuff her full of baked goods.”
“I didn’t ‘have’ to.” Chepi protested.
Neither girl seemed to notice right away when Sean began walking out towards his private study. Each maid struggling to fall into a proper lock step behind him. Neither could see the small smirk on their Master’s face.
“Brinna is already waiting in your study, Master.” Chepi noted “I gave her some honeyed hazelnuts and a cup of cocoa. I think she was a bit surprised by it. I tried to make it a bit more like the synthetic stuff so I wouldn’t shock her, but I just couldn’t make something that metallic.”
“I got the bunny to calm down as well. Some what.” Sita chimed in. “I don’t think she’s too happy about any of this. She didn’t like the tour. She certainly didn’t like the leash. But I think she’s under the impression she can simply play along for now and, ahem, ‘chew you out’ later.”
“Oh, she’s going to.” Sean snerked. “But she was going to no matter what. Still, some things are worth it.” He waved both maids off as they approached the study. Sean gripping the ornate copper plated handles and taking a few deep breaths to compose himself. Finally he pushed the door wide open and strode his way in, grinning ear to ear at the sight of his pet nearly jumping out of her seat.
“Well, look who’s out of the house!” Sean bellowed happily. The bear stomped his way in shutting the door behind him. A small thud already signaling Chepi and Sita pressed against it. Predictable as ever, really.
“M-master.” Bri yelped. The Dormouse hit the floor on her knees hard and winced painfully. Her bony bare knees little match for the poor padding of the rug tossed between the two arm chairs near Sean’s fireplace. The bear sighed softly and paced his way forwards. His ice blue eyes resting on the kneeling form. He reached down slowly, finger running over her freckled cheek before gripping her muzzle in his hand.
The bear took a long moment to drink in the delicate features his little pet wore. The soft blush. The nervous trembling. Fear and anxiety and anticipation all twisting and swirling within each other just from the brush of his fingertips along her cheek.
They remained that way for a long time. Brinna splitting her attention between her owner and a small spot on the rug. Not daring to look at him too long. Sean simply drinking the girl in. Her devotion, her supplication, her sweet innocence.
Finally Sean pulled his hand back, and Brinna moved down to kiss the top of his foot reverently. As she moved back up the bear tucked a finger under her chin and guided her to stand.
“So, what do you think of my home, dearest?” The bear murred sweetly.
“It’s… amazing, Master. It’s not at all what I expected. I mean, I didn’t know what I expected. I’ve never been this close to the spire. Never mind in the spire. But this.”
“Yeah, it’s something, huh?” He laughed “Though I still like your place well enough myself. Still it’s important for you to get acclimated. After all this will likely be your home some day as well.”
The dormouse swallowed hard and glanced deeply into his eyes. “L-likely?”
“Well yes I mean we may end up somewhere else. Technically this is my home no matter what. But when mother retires I may decide to set up estate elsewhere. That’s for much later, though. For now the important thing is to make sure you’re acclimated. Comfortable. After all, what kind of Master would I be if I wanted to see you suffer.”
The look that drew was almost too much to take. Even for a girl as innocent as Bri her questioning gaze hit him like a rubber squeaky hammer. The word ‘really?’ all but chiseled into her face.
“ok fine.” He snorted “What kind of Master would I be if I wanted to see you suffer from something I didn’t inflict.”
“Better.” Brinna nodded
“But still. You get my point, right? I’m not exactly comfortable just dragging you up here and away from everything. I want to make your life better, not just jam my little gem into mine and hope she fits. That’s not how beautiful jewelry is made now is it?”
“No, Sir.” Brinna muttered. Resisting the urge to correct him. Not that she could hide it well.
“Anyways, for now I plan to call you up here every once in a while. You’ll get a driver, and you’ll spend some time with me in my home, or have some chores. Or training. Just enough to get you used to it for now. Nice and safe, and working at your own pace. Sound good?”
Bri gripped her hands in front of her and bowed ever so softly. Her hair, somewhat better kempt and cared for than it ever had been thanks in no small part to her new means for personal care, fell heavily into her face. Partially obscuring her growing blush. “This slave is your property to do with as you wish, Master. Her joy and suffering are at your discursion. Nothing more.”
The lilting sing-song of the reply trembled in her throat as she stood back up and sheepishly pulled a few strands of hair from her face. “But, well, that does sound a lot easier, Sir. I can’t lie.”
“I had a feeling it would.” Sean smirked. “And just in case, I have one more thing that I think will help you out. Now. Close your eyes until I tell you. Nice and tight. No peeking now. Understood?”
Bri nodded and quickly squeezed her eyes shut. Her paws went over her simple round glasses, then tucked under them a moment later, drawing a small smirk.
She could hear rustling. Movement. The sound of a heavy door opening and shutting. Bri biting back a squeal as footsteps approached. It was all she could do not to throw her hands down, squirming and squealing as she felt her Master standing before her once more.
“Ok, open them.” Sean murred, barely able to hold in his own bemusement. Bri’s eyes shot open. Instantly falling on an all too familiar figure. The purple furred bunny standing before her in an outlandish looking maid outfit. A thick collar around her neck and a chain leash leading from it. A scowl of utter hate and annoyance plastered on Kanina’s face.
Before Bri could respond, She felt the tip of a leash shoved into her hand. The chain leading back to Kanina’s collar. Both girls stood, looking at each other, dumbfounded. They finally both looked up at Sean. One unified question leaving both of their muzzles.
“Wait, What?!”