For all these years spent, the days wandered through..I've sat with many individuals and it is a curious thing to see how uncomfortable, even scared we are with a thing as reflection. Stillness. Perhaps it is how our day to day worlds have been for so long. Given many responsibilities, many distractions. Destinies handed to us as duties, if left unfulfilled, we believe we too are unfulfilled.
What should be our triumph in being here, is instead held up for subjugation to higher powers, and a terrible sentiment: I have not done enough to warrant my existence.
Yet here you are still. Here WE are still. Together in this expanse. String-less, fate-less even perhaps. Open to the universe and to new experiences. To love and to growth. We are not gone just yet, you and I.
Life is a fragile thing, death is sacred my friend...and respite is not meant as punishment. Nor is life meant as a testament to utility.
Another time, another year. Let's step forward again, mm? We'll meet again most soon. --------------------------- Want to help support my art and piece of mind?