It seems that someone thought I was good enough to commission even If I wouldn't consider myself good. But they were very happy with the new painting shading I have been practicing for the past month and a bit.
If there was anything to learn from this, its that believable 3D shading needs all parts of dark shadows, mid tones and highlights. Also hair is very hard to draw well as it takes time (Clearly I did not know how to do it yet), so I don't blame any artist for taking the arch breakdown route.
6 years, 1 month ago
08 Jan 2019 13:40 CET
Initial: edd0677217910039aa56df80d7346c57
Full Size: 53d10c702b1d73bc44226dcad09c8973
Large: a9ef0a97f685673943dd7a7b5ce76eac
Small: 196d0f8de390c0d71b9f14cdd2793ca8
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