I wanted to explore a little bit on just what Irma happens to do for a living, so here she is working at the Hush Valley Public Library, along with the other librarian, Maria Guzman.
Unlike Maria though, who spends most of her time putting away and reshelving various books, Irma usually works at the front desk (though she likes to help out Maria with her duties whenever she can). Irma also acts as the library's storyteller, reading to various groups of children around twice a week (Irma even goes so far as to make voices for the various characters, making her somewhat popular amongst the kids).
Maria and Irma both enjoy working together, as the two of them share a lot of common interests when it comes to books; making them good friends, as well as good coworkers.
Anyway, I believe that's it for now; so thanks for reading and I hope that you all enjoy the piece. =3