Name: Aisika Wakaida Generation: 62 Era: Mid-14th Century Location: Feudal Japan Role: Daimyo
The Musuba Province was a quiet, peaceful and prosperous region in Japan, it’s inhabitants content yet otherwise unremarkable safe for one detail: the province’s feudal lord, or Daimyo, was in fact a feudal lady. Wakaida Aisika, the only notable member of the mysterious Wakaida family, kept the forests and villages wealthy and protected, thus no-one felt the need to question her clan’s sudden appearance a few decades ago or what conniving schemes were hidden behind that polite and demure smile.
But lady Aisika had a secret pleasure: to occasionally kidnap cute travellers and other visitors to her region and keep them as her personal bondage slaves for a few days, before releasing them unharmed. Their modesty, shame and respect for their nobles would keep the secret between them, allowing Aisika to continue this unusual practice until her passing.
To this end, Aisika employed a small group of exceptionally trained and undyingly loyal ninja women, who were both highly skilled in scouting out potential new victims, as well as the abduction and restraining of these unfortunate souls. With these crafty kunoichi under her command, the noble feline’s lush silk robes disguised a sinister cunning and boundless lust worthy of both her ancestors and future descendants.