Chelsea attempts to do yoga with her mother Camille (after boasting for several hours on how easy it must be), but soon realizes that it's a bit harder than it looks; especially if you haven't been spending as much time as Camille has been, mastering one's own sense of balance.
Also, in case it hasn't been mentioned before, yes, Camille likes to practice yoga. She considers it not only as an excellent form of exercise, but also a great way to help one relax from a stressful day of work.
And on an artistic note, the posing for the two of them took longer than I'd really like and even then, it still didn't really come out as I'd really hoped it would. I guess when you're working with characters shaped like Chelsea and Camille, posing ends up being kinda tricky; especially when you're trying to do something more than just the typical "stand there and look pretty" pose.
Regardless though, I hope you guys enjoy the piece. :)