You really want to see Feather, but you want to be sure you aren't bothering him. You shoot a message and ask if you could join him.
He responds back pretty quickly, asking you to meet him at the starting line in the town center. It'll take you ten minutes to walk there. Plenty of time to get there early yet not enough time to take major detours. Tender may have to wait a bit.
You head on to the center of town, passing through the main shopping district filled with the many shops on this side of Ponyville. You take it slow to try to scope out some foals, but most seem to be heading to the race along with their family.
You make it to Ponyville town center, where a crowd has started to gather. You make your way to the edge of the track and start to scan around for your friend. He's nowhere to be seen, and neither are the carts themselves. You check the time on your phone, and it's 12:37. None of the foals around seem to be alone, all either being with a group of friends or what seem to be their parents.
Two colts stand out to you, though. There's a colt across the track from you standing with a mare. He seems antsy and fidgety, but main reason he draws your eye is that he looks like the colt Creamery told you about: Barley Grind.
The other colt is inside the track by the starting line. He's joined by another filly and the town school teacher, who all are wearing cheer outfits and pom-poms. He's small, a a short and deep blue mane with a lighter blue coat. A cheerleading colt sounds pretty....feminine, and the way he carries himself mirrors the assumption
It'd be really risky to make a move now, so you'd need to be very calculated if you do. You could also just wait for Feather and keep the two in mind for a bit later.
What do you do?
my little pony
choose your own adventure
half pints
6 years, 2 months ago
04 Jan 2019 23:19 CET
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