This is a color guide for my more secondary characters; the ones that I draw only sometimes or consider to be supporting characters for my main cast but have an obvious fanbase nonetheless.
The first of which being Camille Holmes, Chelsea's mother, which you can see here and here.
Then there's my Pirate Vixens, Trixie, Dixie, and Vixie, who you can see here and here.
Followed by Terry Mosby, star of my "Tracking Terry" series from here and its sequel here.
Then we have Lizy Toplin (a.k.a. the ultra-strong, ultra-heroic and ultra-busty Ultra-Kitten!), who you can check out from here and her story here.
And then finally, we have Cecily Schwartzman, my newest character, which you can see here and here; and Tom Wilkson, the brother of Gina and Tanya Wilkson, who you all can see here and here.
I'm still thinking of doing more of these color references for my characters as time goes on; and if you guys want to suggest on just who I should do a color guide for next, then by all means, feel free to do so.
I certainly wouldn't mind hearing who some of your favorite characters of mine are; as well as on just who I need to be drawing more of. =3