Hey, hey guys! :D It's Terry here, and it's been a while since I last saw you; so here's what's been going on with me since the last time I dropped in to say "hi". =3
Well, first off, all of my honey-buns were born happy and healthy, after a mere 75 hours of labor (which don't ask me how I didn't die of exhaustion; everything just went by in a huge blur for me ^_^;). Several doctors were there to deliver all of my new bundles-o-joy into the world and by the end of it all, I gave birth to a whopping 181 babies.
That's a total of 227 kids, you guys! D:
And like the last time, only one of them was a girl, with the rest being all boys.
Honestly! Only 1 girl and 180 boys!? That just doesn't seem possible! D:
I still love every single one of them though, so it's all good. X3
As for everyone else, Cyall gave birth to 30, Pia had 32, Bridgette had 49, and Zephra had 143. All of which found great homes amongst very lovely families, by the way. =3
Now as for the above photo, I bet you guys are wondering who the "strikingly handsome" man is holding the baby. ;)
Well, that's my hubby Michael (isn't he just dreamy? X3). So if you guys were ever curious on what the father of all my children looked like, well here you guys go. =p
And as for that baby (the only girl of 181 munchkins), we named her June; 'cause we thought it'd be awesome. ;)
And as for the boys, well, we started naming them with every boy's name we could think of; but eventually, we got so completely lost on names, we started naming our boys after famous videogame characters (poor Mario and Luigi). ^_^;
Oh and the little sweetie that's waving to the camera, that's Lily. You guys remember her from my first pregnancy, right? From so long ago? :?
Well, she's about two years old here (though maybe more around 23 months), and is just so precious with her cute little pigtails (which by the way, she wanted to be like her mommy, except with two instead of one, "because that's doubly-pretty", as she likes to put it). =p
Oh and June's exactly one year old here, in case you guys wanted to know that too. X3
Hmmmmmmmm. What else should I - oh right! XD
After two pregnancies, it finally happened. I got fat (even though I did actually lose a lot of weight after the pregnancy was over). =p
Apparently I'm so big now in fact, I can obscure Lily from the chest down; even when I'm holding her up with my arm (which is kinda weird you guys). ^_^;
Michael and some of the older kids like to say I'm "fluffy" though, which I guess is nice. Kinda makes me sound like I'm filled with marshmallow fluff; but then again, that doesn't sound too bad either. X3
Also, my new weight doesn't really bother me all that much. :) Especially since, hey, I brought over 200 kids into the world; I think I can be cut a little slack where my weight is concerned. X3
Plus, Michael seems to like "the big ladies", so I'm not gonna complain too much about it. ;)
And last but not least, I guess it wouldn't be a picture without Vanessa and Zephra sharing the frame; even though it was originally meant to be just me, Michael and the two baby girls (they totally photobombed our picture you guys; especially Zephra, with her nefarious picture-drawing-sign-thinga-ma-jig-stick). =p
Anyway, as you can tell, Vanessa's pregnant again; but this time, she's 4 months in with her own bundle of baby bunnies, instead of acting as a surrogate to someone else.
Guess my latest batch of sugar-cubes inspired her to add to her own family; she seems to love Michael and me's little June-Bug quite a lot here. X3
And as for Zephra, she got pregnant again too; but this time, she wanted to make a point to out-due me, so she loaded up on as many surrogacies as she could sign up for (even though it was never a competition to begin with).
Would you guys believe she's only three weeks pregnant here? :|
I know right? It's mind-boggling just imagining how huge she'll get. O_O
Which might be why I'm kinda smirking at her in this photograph. I don't think she fully took into account just how she'll be able to fit inside her own home, let alone get around.
The poor dear will literally be bigger than a house! XD
Oh, don't worry you guys. Zephra's pretty smart, I'm sure she has a plan; there's no way she'd just "jump into it" without thinking at least a little bit ahead first. :)
...or at least, I hope she'd think first. ^_^;
*ahem* Any who, I think that's all folks. :)
Me and Michael are probably going to hold off for a little while on making any more babies, since we already have a small town's worth of people under our roof and we already got enough kids to look after as it is. Which by the way, our house is literally packed now, though not by too much; we were smart enough to plan ahead and make sure there was plenty of room for everyone after all (even though several kids have to share a room X3).
Though who knows? Maybe someday we'll have even more kids (and then TAKE OVER THE WORLD! BWAHAHAHAHA!!! XD); but for now, we'll be happy with what we got. :)
Anyway though, thanks for reading everyone! Have a great day and always be awesome! :D
artwork copyright SatsumaLord all characters copyright their respective owners