Ms. Ambrose, bodyguard and personal assistant to Mr. Delos (whose first appearance can be seen here ---> ( link )), training in her own personal gym; as provided by her employer. Whenever she isn't filing documents or acting as Mr. Delos' escort to and around the city, she can usually be found here; honing her body into an instrument of pure, unmitigated power.
To give you an idea on just how strong she really is, the weights she's using now are not your typical dumbbells. They're actually made of a super-dense, highly durable alloy known as Nordillium; named after its discoverer and developer, Hubert Von Nordill. Nordillium is so dense in fact, that if it were used to make a 5 pound dumbbell, it would actually weigh over 500 pounds. So in the case of Ms. Ambrose here, she's actually lifting 40,000 pounds (i.e. 20 tons) in each hand. =3
Oh and on a special note, since I don't usually draw uber-muscular women like this, I looked over the work of such muscle artists as
, and
; and tried to emulate their style, and posing and whatnot, so as to get a better understanding of the subject. Thus culminating into the pic you all see now.
Regardless, I hope you guys still enjoy it. :)
Ms. Ambrose and artwork copyright SatsumaLord background image copyright its original owner