Chocolate goes out to flaunt her newest pair of breast implants, only to find a rather bosomy fennec with quite the chip on her shoulder.
Marla (as we'll go ahead and call this quietly enraged vixen) recently acquired some breast implants of her own and spent quite the pretty penny so as to acquire her newly silicone-infused mammaries. Imagine her surprise when she found someone that was not only in possession of a bigger set, but also acquired them for much cheaper; spending only a quarter of what Marla had to pay for her own set.
Needless to say, the perturbed canid is quite upset about the whole situation. It makes one wonder if Marla will find a way to surpass her new skunkette rival in the breast department; or if she'll just leave and get her money back from that two-bit surgeon that was obviously a pathological liar.
Only time will tell (assuming I or anyone else will ever do anything more with this, that is). X3
Chocolate copyright ProfPolecat Marla and artwork copyright SatsumaLord