The following is a more in-depth look at my busty bunny-girl Bonnie.
Basic Information
Full Name: Bonnie Delilah Sherwood
Species: Rabbit
Age: 19
Height: 5'6"
Weight: roughly 340 lbs
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair Color: chocolate brunette
Favorite Food: strawberry crêpes
Favorite Drink: orange juice
Favorite Music: pop music
Marital Status: single
Sexual Orientation: unknown (though believed to be straight)
Hobbies: clothes shopping, meeting new people
Bonnie is the kind of girl that's best described as being composed of "sugar, spice, and everything nice". She's sweet, kind, cheerful, caring and generally in the possession of a very positive attitude. Bonnie always likes to meet new people and oftentimes likes to show her affection by giving others a hug, and on rare occasions, even a kiss on the cheek.
Furthermore, Bonnie is the type to be very courteous when dealing with others. Despite her wealthy upbringing, she doesn't act like a spoiled brat. She always minds her manners, always says "please" and "thank you", and never intentionally tries to offend anyone or otherwise hurt their feelings. The last thing Bonnie ever wants to do is make anyone feel bad, either about themselves or just bad in general.
Fears and Weaknesses
Bonnie's biggest flaw would have to be her own childlike innocence. She's too naive to fully understand the world around her; especially the idea that some people may find her to be sexually attractive. Additionally, Bonnie's affectionate nature sometimes makes others feel uncomfortable, namely in the fact that she's willing to lovingly squeeze people she just met; and that's true even for women. So one could also claim that Bonnie doesn't fully understand the concept of personal space.
Moreover, Bonnie suffers from a severe carrot allergy. If she were to ever consume any form of carrot-based product, then she'd experience horrible swelling around her face, throat, and tongue. Because of her allergy, Bonnie tries to avoid all things carrot-related and has even developed something of a carrot phobia. So foods like carrot cake and carrot salad actually frighten her to some extent.
And speaking of fears, Bonnie is afraid of being left alone; specifically, she's afraid of being abandoned by her friends and family. Ever since the age of six, Bonnie grew up with very little contact from either of her parents. Due to this fact, Bonnie is afraid of being left behind by those she loves and sometimes succumbs to bouts of crippling loneliness. Now, such lapses within her psyche tend to happen very rarely, but this ultimately proves that even the perkiest of us can sometimes feel isolated and unloved.
Secret Quirks
Bonnie loves stuffed animals and has a collection of plushies that easily number in the dozens; maybe even the hundreds. Her all-time favorite within her collection is a stuffed bear simply known as "Mr. Bear"; the reason Mr. Bear is Bonnie's favorite is because it was given to her personally by her parents on her fifth birthday. In addition, Bonnie will sometimes treat her plushies like actual people and will occasionally have conversations with them (though her chats with her plushies are often very one-sided).
Over 80% of Bonnie's normal wardrobe is some shade of pink. This is because Bonnie thinks pink is the prettiest color in the history of ever. Whenever she isn't wearing something pink, however, she's usually wearing some kind of pastel color; like marigold, teal, or even lavender.
Lastly, despite her seemingly simple and innocent nature, Bonnie is actually quite intelligent. Her math skills are surprisingly exceptional and Bonnie also possesses an almost encyclopedic knowledge of world geography. In fact, at Gazongas' Bar and Grill, if you can stump Bonnie with a geography question, then you can win free drinks and possibly even a kiss from Linda Gazongas herself. So far, Bonnie has only been stumped about once for every fifty questions asked of her; which means that Bonnie tends to know the answer about 98% of the time. So yes, getting free drinks (or a kiss) at Gazongas' can be fairly difficult. But the reward is always worth it.
Bonnie and artwork copyright SatsumaLord
bonnie sherwood
6 years, 2 months ago
27 Dec 2018 23:15 CET
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