Main Backstory:
Bonnie and Gina are currently employed together in a small tavern/restaurant known as Gazongas' Bar and Grill; a place that's, for the most part, a Hooters knock-off. The entire waitstaff there is comprised of nothing but exceptionally busty young women; the "smallest" of which easily has breasts about the size of her own head.
Gina began working at Gazongas' when her sister Tanya informed her that if she wanted to live under her roof, then she'd have to get a job (this occurred back when Gina first moved in with Tanya, in case anyone was curious). Gina looked for gainful employment for about a week, until she quickly got bored of it and started getting into late-night television. While watching "the Late, Late, Late Show" at around 2:00 a.m. in the morning, she noticed a commercial for Gazongas' Bar and Grill and immediately became interested. There was a place where she could get a steady paycheck, just for being inconceivably busty? It sounded like easy money for her. The next morning (or rather, later that same morning), she rode the bus over to downtown and made her way into Gazongas'; and after a very pleasant interview with Linda Gazongas, the owner of the tavern, Gina began working as a Gazonga Girl (a.k.a. a waitress) within the following week.
It was also at around this time that Gina first got to meet Bonnie. Gina didn't mind her at first; she seemed like a very sweet girl, despite almost knocking Gina over with her mountainous mammaries on their first encounter. But as the weeks passed, Gina learned to hate Bonnie with a passion. No matter how hard Gina worked or how often she flirted with the patrons, Bonnie always seemed to get the most tips along with the best customers, and such a fact irritated Gina to no end; such a fact even continues to irritate Gina to this very day. So needless to say, Gina doesn't really like Bonnie all that much, even though she tends to act fairly nice around her (mean waitresses don't get that many tips, ya know).
And in regards to Bonnie, she started working at Gazongas' when she asked Gael (her personal nanny) if she could have a little extra spending money for her shopping trips. Gael responded to Bonnie's query by telling her that if she wanted to have some extra money, then she'd have to go out and earn it. So with relentless enthusiasm and unshakeable determination, Bonnie immediately set out to find work (with Gael in tow, of course).
The bosomy bunny (along with her nanny sidekick) searched for employment for days; every time Bonnie got a job interview, she always heard the same post-interview spiel. "We're sorry, but we're not hiring right now. Please come back later though and we might have a position open for you then." So after several weeks' worth of fruitless job hunting, Bonnie began to lose both confidence and hope in finding lucrative employment. On the way back home though, Bonnie noticed the storefront window of a place called Gazongas' off in the distance. And in that storefront, she saw a sign taped onto the window, with the words "Now Hiring" painted on it in thick, black letters. At that moment, Bonnie regarded that sign as the most beautiful thing that she had ever seen. In a flash, she immediately ran up to the main entrance with incredible swiftness (or at least, with as much swiftness as her massive bosom would allow), as Gael followed her in hot pursuit. When she entered the restaurant, Bonnie asked the nearest employee she could find (with as much courtesy and politeness as her exhausted frame could muster) if she could work there. The next day, Bonnie started work as Gazongas' newest Gazonga Girl; that is, until three months later when Gina was hired on, making Gina the newest Gazonga Girl. X3
Other Information:
Tanya doesn't know that Gina is working at Gazongas'. Gina never told her the truth, since she knew that Tanya would just lecture her about how places like that "degrade women and generally treat them like sex-objects". So for all extensive purposes, Gina lied to her sister, all the while claiming that she was working at a place called the Breakfast Shack. So far, Tanya seems to have bought her little white lie, but if Gina isn't careful, then her sister could easily figure out the truth behind her employment.
As for Gael, she tries not to worry too much about the fact that Bonnie works at a place like Gazongas'. The entire time Bonnie's been working there, she's never had (or caused) any trouble with either the patrons or the staff; and Linda Gazongas herself promised Gael that she'd look out for Bonnie, so that helped put her mind at ease somewhat. Still though, every once in a while Gael drops by to check up on Bonnie, usually by disguising herself as a patron and watching over Bonnie from the corner of the restaurant.
Gazongas' itself is a rather laid-back place, best known for providing warm smiles and bountiful bosoms for any and all of its patrons. The Gazonga Girl uniform is essentially an off-white/very pale blue shirt with orange pants; both the shirt and the pants can be of any make and style, so long as the shirt shows off a generous amount of cleavage. Every Gazongas' employee is also required to wear a Gazongas' Bar and Grill button, somewhere/anywhere on their shirt, during work hours. Furthermore, even though Gazongas' is fairly lax on the concept of rules, they do have very strict guidelines on how to treat the staff. The biggest one being that if you grope, fondle, or molest any member of the Gazongas' staff, then you will be immediately removed from the premises as well as permanently banned from the restaurant (there's a very good chance you'll also get your teeth knocked in too). Gazongas' Bar and Grill wants to provide a safe and caring environment for its rather buxom staff, so inappropriate touching, fondling, and groping will not be tolerated.
Constant breast-ogling and impromptu hugs however, are allowed and generally encouraged. X3
Bonnie, Gina and artwork copyright SatsumaLord
huge breasts
hyper breasts
huge boobs
hyper boobs
massive breasts
breast envy
bonnie sherwood
gina wilkson
gazonga girls
gazongas bar and grill
6 years, 2 months ago
27 Dec 2018 17:33 CET
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