A naked bunny was sitting on the training potty. Not that he really knew what it was, but Sammy had told him to sit there. James wondered where Sammy was, when he heard a trickling noise. James found it was from him going into the training potty. `hope Sammy doesn't mind' he thought. James then debated whether or not he should move. Sammy told him to wait, and with no diaper on he might ruin the floors. He didn't mind being naked. James had little concern for modesty at such an early age. However, if he did move, Sammy would put him in time-out. He decided to hope Sammy came back soon. However, he didn't and James waited five minutes. Betting if he weared one of those thin diapees (pull-ups) he could be okay. His own diapers were nowhere to be found. James hopped off the potty and rushed to the nursery room. Opening the capneit he pulled up one of the pull-ups. It had the same design as his diapees, but was far thinner.
However, when he went outside, he saw Sammy walking through the gate. Walking towards his Mommy, a large shadow was cast above him. James looked and saw a huge saucer, Next thing he knew. He was in some sort of cage, with a bed. However, everything was white, so it was not his crib. Also, he was naked again. Walking towards the bars, James touched one and got a sharp jolt of pain. He looked around, the cage had no visible door, Scared, James screamed for his mommy!
Down below Sammy knew she was going to have to find a way to save her son. One thing was for certain, she couldn't do it alone. Rushing inside she called Cain Lupan. ``Hello?'' Cain said, ``Hey Cain, It's Sammy Paws. I need your help. An U.F.O. has just abducted James and I can't save him by myself. I may have magic powers, but I'm not built for combat, and you are a super warrior according to what've I read.'' Cain was shocked to hear about James, ``I'll get a spaceship ready and be over there as fast as I can.'' He told Lily to watch over his boys. He actually had a machine that could fly in space but as fuel for it was pricey, he didn't use it much. Now was a time to do so. He grabbed his weapons and armor and boarded it flying straight to Sunny Paws Daycare.
James was out of breath, he stopped screaming, as weird creatures came to him. One wall of the bars faded from existence and one of them a brown spotted human shaped creature with large arms grabbed him. James attempts to escape were futile against the aliens far superior strength. He carried James to some sort of tube and placed him inside of it. It quickly sealed and James was left alone. The aliens started studying James. However, they had more plans than that. These studies would prove whether or not he could be used as a lab rat. If not, he'd be released, if yes, James is pretty much doomed!
Sammy put on thick leather clothing, it was the best armor her daycare had. The closest thing it had to armor, she mainly only had toys and clothes for her children. Cain landed and lowered a ramp as Sammy rushed inside. ``Thank you'' she said. ``No one's going to hurt him'' Cain told her. I think I found the saucer on my way over here. We gonna have to find a way to get on board, I can't shoot it down, any damage done to it could be the end of James as well.'' Tailing the ship. Cain began to try to form a tube that would allow them to board, however there was only one entry, and it was a miracle but somehow, he managed to attach a tube to it. Sammy and Cain prepared to board the ship. Breaking into it. Cain drew his sword and Sammy readied herself to cast a spell, but no one was in sight.
``Did he just pee'' Jona said. He was the chief researcher as James was crying stuck alone in a tube. ``Guess he couldn't hold it'' Mick said, he was the brown alien who took James to the tube. ``Well, he'd make for a test subject, can't do anything serious, but we can do a few tests on him, you should of abducted someone older and stronger.'' Jona said but a female alien overheard him and said ``Someone just like that is on board.'' She held up a projector and showed Jona Cain. ``He'd be hard to capture, but perfect for experiments. Send a squad to capture him, as for the bear with him. I guess she could be a slave.'' Jona smiled. ``Yes sir'' Rebeks said saluting. Cain and Sammy heard an alarm and a small amout of armed soilder appeared. ``Surrender now and we will not attack, make one move, and we will.'' They told them. Sammy and Cain looked at each other and smiled. Within two minutes they had killed all the soilders!
Rebeks who was watching them looked down in amazement. ``Okay, didn't know one could cast magic and the other one uses a blade like it's part of him, but still, they killed 30 armed soilders in no time! And neither is even hurt!'' Rebeks decided they need a better plan than just a direct approach to get either of them. Jonah walked in ``What happened? He asked angrily. ``Guess this two are stronger than we thought.'' Rebeks said. Jonah immediately sounded an alarm that alerted everyone on the ship of their presence.
``Darn it, that broke my concretion'' Sammy said. She was prepared in case James ever got lost. She had a spell that could tell where her son was, and which direction.'' But I think he's over this way'' pointing to a northeast corridor. Cain looked that way and said ``Are you sure, I don't want to get lost.'' Sammy told Cain she could remember the way they came. ``Also, as long as that alarm is blaring and red lights are flashing, I can't perform another finding spell.''
Cain sighed but they both started running down the corridor. All doors were shuttered. But Sammy was able to break a large shutter in the middle of their progress. ``Whew, that requires lots of magical power. Casting spells won't be easy anymore.'' The two of them walked into a large room, where James was in a tube, he looked at them and smiled despite still crying. ``Mommy! Can!'' He shouted trough the tube. ``Don't worry, Little one, I'll get you out.'' Cain said punching the tube, but his punch bounced right off. ``What the heck?'' James pointed up, ``Maybe the awnser to freeing him is upstairs?'' Sammy suggested. They ran up the stairs and Jonah freaked out and Cain grabbed his throat. Rebeks and Mick were too scared to help. ``Now release my son, and never return to Earth. Otherwise my friend will kill you. Not that I can promise he won't if you release him. ``I swear, I'll never come back, please don't kill me.'' Cain dropped Jonah who pressed a button that opened the tube James was in. Sammy grabbed him and after Cain broke one of Jonah's legs for messing with a kit. They entered their own ship. Sammy procured a diaper and rediapered James ``Tank you'' he said. After returning to the daycare, James found himself on the naughty bunny stool. ``I told you to stay in the bathroom, look what happened to you. Also remember you're not supposed to go outside in this weather!'' James nodded sadly. Sammy walked over to Cain ``Thank you very much, James is going to remember you.'' Cain smiled ``Don't mention it, I won't let anyone mess with cubs or kits.'' Sammy waved goodbye as Cain flew away.