It's a gloomy day on the 12th of September when boss walks in with a file.
"This is a weird one," he says as he plops the file on my desk. I open it and skim through some of the details.
"A man in a fursuit with a shotgun?" I sign to the chief.
"This isn't the first one either. We have evidence that a similar suiter was responsible for a shooting in 2016,"
"Any motive?"
"Not that we can tell. As far as we know, he's just a crazed gunman."
"I'll get right on it, sir."
I keep looking through the file. Four bodies, two years ago in Deluz; one body found in Anaheim; and a lot of pictures. None of them are any good: there's not enough light to make out any colors in any of them, and you could tell the photographer was running in all of them.
Close to nothing is similar except the fursuit and the low camera quality, and there are no witnesses to speak of. It made me start to think there was more than one person performing these killings. I needed more information, though. Through the grapevine, I found out about a furry meetup on Friday. Awaiting the meetup, I sent the pictures to our sketch artist.