Mitarashi Shino was born to a pair of parents in a superstitious tribe which upon seeing the newborn's markings caused them to believe it a bad omen of sorts which resulted in the decision to get rid of the baby Pichu though his mother pleaded for his life. This made things more complicated however as the Pokemon began to connect the dots that the kid's oddities must have been genetic traits passed down from one of the parents and because the father was currently out and the mother was defending the child she was immediately assumed to be the one and was promptly burned to death in a fire like a witch to prevent further children like Mitarashi before he was placed on a table with a blade being held by the chief who proceeded to stab the helpless child five times, once on each ear and three times on the chest. Tears and loud crying emitting from the Pichu from this relentless assault when smoke bombs had hit the ground all around the area covering everything in which Mitarashi was snatched up by his father who fled the scene having returned to witness the final moments of his wife being sacrificed so meaninglessly and managing to save his son and fled the village into the snowy forest. There he found a vacant cave where he applied some medical care to stop the bleeding on his child and held them revealing he was actually the one that had the genetic traits feeling guilty before the village search party had found him, fleeing with his child but would not get too far as he was stabbed repeatedly and pierced with large rods pinning him to a tree. with his dying moments he convinced the chief to to leave them to die in peace by the bittercold temperature to which inadvertently saved Shino's life as he was part ice type making the temperature not effect him.
With this Shino was alone in the snowy forest where he spent months. Having no memory of the events leading up to this point due to have being born so recent and after wandering away for two days he would be picked up by a Flaaffy farmer who saw no parents around and decided he couldn't leave the child be which led to to Shino growing up into a teen knowing only a farm life and was particularly good at being a sheep herder. One day however a pair of Pokemon had entered the farm and confronted the old man about Shino who happened to returning from herding sheep when he witnessed his father figure being stabbed through the stomach by claws followed by his head being separated from his body in morbid shock by the pair of Pokemon who now turned their attention to him saying "Kill the Glowchu" in which Shino found himself beaten and viciously attacked by the pair receiving scars around his eyes and pinned up against a wall wall on his stomach by a pitch fork. coughing up blood and watching the two leave the shack only fore fire to erupt everywhere in the structure. Somehow managing to free himself from the pitchfork and escape where he crawled weakly dragging himself from the burning blaze that destroyed the farm a few pokemon came across him. Pleading for some help they seemed weirded out by his appearance but eventually they did take him to their town which turned out to be a bad stroke of luck for Shino as he was blamed for their local farmer's death and main source of resources and he found himself promptly placed in the town's prison.
Here Shino spent the majority of his life having to do hard labor, get whipped and hear a lot of racism towards him which he never understood and had to live this life for many years until he was brought out before the town with a noose and having to listen to a speech by the mayor on his supposed crimes and how he was to be put to death. Being led up to a wooden structure with the noose tightened around his neck and once the flooring opened under his feet like a trap door he found himself in an agonizing position as he hung feeling his breaths leaving him and his vision blurring only for someone to shout "Primordial beasts!" which erupted into chaos as the town had been suddenly overrun by vicious monsters that slaughtered many around the town and during which shino had fallen to the ground with the wooden structure collapsing around him getting buried as he gasped for air hearing the commotion everywhere before passing out. Coming to and struggling with his bound paws to push the debris off of himself, Shino found a war-like scene of dead bodies, blood and destruction everywhere wandering around until coming upon something to cut his paws free and found some scared and injured children, some of which were in shock and others crying from emotions distress or from pain with one dying adult who said "This.. is your... fault... glowchu..." in their dying breaths. These words would never leave Shino as he decided to gather all the children that were alive and take them with him until he found shelter to leave them as an act of good will before he went on his way...
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