Kid Goku: We're back! Another fun-filled chapter of Sonic GX heading for ya today!
Yami Bakura: ….
Kid Goku: You have till the count of 2 to leave now! 1!
Yami Bakura: Fine! I'll deal with you later.
Kid Goku: Heh. Wait….what?
Leonidas: Yo, Allen, can we get this started? Ulala can strike any second now!
Kid Goku: Right, right. Let the next chapter begin!
Narrator: Last time on Sonic GX, Ulala Deviluke, Princess of the Deviluke dragon slayers and the Princess of the Underworld had tricked Allen into thinking Daniel "Leonidas" Danford was in fact a murderous dragon bent on destroying her. Realizing that she was the real threat, he panicked as he realized she had broken into the City of Amaria without a single hint of detection. What could she be after there that has Leonidas in such a hurry to find her? We shall find that out TODAY! We join Allen & Co. in the laboratory, interrogating the newcomer Leonidas…
"So, let's get this straight: you are a—shadowdragon, is it?—from the Doom Dimension, on the search for Miss Ulala Deviluke, correct?", I asked, tapping my foot impatiently.
"That is correct. Ulala is one of the most powerful dragon slayers in my dimension, and it is up to me to find her and destroy her. Once she is taken care of, the other family members should stop attacking us.", Leonidas stated.
"That's all well and good, but why on Earth would she come here to Amaria? What could be here that would bring her so far from home?", Tails piqued in, trying to detect any truth to Leonidas' story on Nicole's databanks on the multiverse.
"I have no idea. I do know this: she wants to break the seal that is keeping the Underworld locked up. If she can do that, not only will all the demons in that realm will be released, all other forms of the Underworld will be unlocked, letting any and all demons run amuck.", Leonidas replied.
"A likely story. How can a person that looks like THAT be of any threat?", said Vegeta, pointing at the video replay of Allen & Leonidas' encounter, spotting Ulala standing behind Allen.
"Well, it is obvious that she is a skilled actress, Vegeta. She even had me fooled.", I said. "Tails, find anything on this Doom Dimension that could shed some light on this travesty?"
"No. Not a single shred of data is on this Doom Dimension whatsoever. It's almost as if it doesn't exist.", said Tails.
"Your computer is truly powerful, but it won't find any information on the Doom Dimension.", said Leonidas.
"Why's that?", Sonic asked, sitting on Herbie's roof.
"Simple. The Doom Dimension is a secret. Not even the Creator of the Dimensional Rift can't find it unless you have a Shadowdragon's homing instinct.", said Leonidas.
"Retsu, is that true?", I asked, looking at Retsu on the other side of the room. She nodded, closing her eyes as if in thought. She finally replied, "It is truly a secret. I use to know where it was located, but as I've mentioned before, all of that knowledge is but a lost memory."
"Ok. At least there is one thing we do know: Leonidas is speaking the truth. While Tails was searching for information, I was doing a lie detector test on him. He hasn't spoken a single lie since he has arrived here.", Nicole's hologram said.
"So, we have two things we have to figure out: Ulala's location, and what is she after. I mean, there are only three things I know that can break through seals, and that would be the Millennium Puzzle I own, Mina in her scythe form, and of course, the Aelitatrix.", I said in conclusion.
"So, while Tails tries to get some headway on this mystery, we need to go out and find Ulala. Me, Liz, and the others shall go out and scope out the Dimensional Peaks. Leonidas can go scope out town, as long as he is careful. While Allen can take to the skies and get a bird's eye view of all the action.", said Zack, flexing his devil arm.
"Aww! Why do I get the boring job?", I groaned out. I then looked at Leonidas and said, "Amaria is one big place. Think you can search the entire area by yourself?"
"Who said I'd be by myself?", said Leonidas, returning to his dragon form. He growled lowly as the shadowy aura surrounded him again.
Kid Goku: What happened next had amazed all of us. In one instant, a bunch of shadow clones appeared from Leonidas and ran outside of the lab. Nicole instantly noticed they were heading into town.
"I am able to create Shadowcon, perfect shadow clones of myself. With all of them searching, we shall find Ulala in no time.", said Leonidas.
"Alright, D-Fighters! MOVE OUT!", I said, hopping into Herbie's driver seat, driving out quickly into the secret exit, while everyone went out through the main entrance. A second later, Nicole said, "Do you think they will find her in time, Mrs. Hines?"
Nana stepped from behind a tall machine in a white lab coat and said with a smile, "I have no doubt in my mind they will find her. After all, Allen is with them. I'm still troubled though: you should have plenty of information on the Doom Dimension in your databanks."
"I know, but it was Lady Retsu that forbid me to ever access those files. She said that the Doom Dimension was a secret to her family and the Shadowdragons, and shall remain a secret.", said Nicole.
"Retsu….she must feel that that moment is coming quickly. If only it didn't have to happen so soon.", Nana said softly.
Kid Goku: THAT moment? What on Earth could Nana mean? A story to tell another day, I suppose. Meanwhile, all the D-Fighters were on the search for Ulala's hiding place. If only they knew that she was already found. We travel to the outside of the city, into the Dimensional Sea, where a person of evil dwells….
"Blast that miserable Aelitatrix Bearer! It's people like him that gives an evil genius like myself a tough time!", said Dr. Eggman.
"Don't feel bad, Doctor! You'll get the Chaos Emeralds next time.", said Bokkun, Eggman's robot messenger.
"Bokkun is right. Allen & Sonic is not ones that should always bother you.", said Decoe & Bocoe. Eggman growled and chucked two screwdrivers at the two robots' heads.
"How many times must I repeat myself? NEVER SAY THOSE NAMES AROUND ME!", Eggman yelled. "What's the point of going on? The Chaos Emeralds are always taken from me."
"It seems like you know much on the Chaos Emeralds.", said a voice that seemed to be surrounding the entire control room.
"Who's there? Show yourself!", Eggman said.
That's when Ulala floated down through the ceiling of Eggman's base and landed directly in front of the doctor. She curtseyed in front of him and said, "I'll make myself quick. Where can I find these Chaos Emeralds?"
"Just who do you think you are, girlie?", Eggman said. "Like I'd ever tell you."
"What would you say if I was able to not only be rid of an entire race of Shadowdragons, but also the Aelitatrix Bearer and this Sonic by you just telling me the location of the Chaos Emeralds?", said Ulala.
Eggman's glasses sort of glowed when Ulala said that. "You can do that? How? Who are you?", he asked.
"I am Princess Ulala Deviluke of the Doom Dimension. With the Chaos Emeralds' power, I can break the seal of the Underworld and overrun the people in question with my followers. They would have Sonic and the Aelitatrix Bearer's heads on a pike before you could even blink. I am also gonna be destroying the Shadowdragon race, the only other known species to live in the Doom Dimension. With them gone, my family will be able to take over that dimension and any other dimension that dares to get in our way.", she said.
"Sounds tempting, but why should I help you? What's in it for me?", Eggman said.
"Hmm… your price.", she said.
"Of course, part of it is to see those two goody-goody's dead. The other is for half of the control of the multiverse to become my Eggman Empire.", Eggman said. "Do we have a deal?"
Ulala closed her eyes for a split second, then opened them and said, "Deal. Now, where are they? I grow weary of being in this….disgusting city. Too peaceful."
Eggman chuckled softly and said, "Why, they are located on Angel Island, a floating mass that resides above the Dimensional Peaks. They are protected by Knuckles the Echidna, the Guardian of the Emeralds. He is too a member of the Dimensional Protection Unit. Take him out, and not only will the Chaos Emeralds be yours, but the Master Emerald is easy pickings as well."
"Very well. I am off to Angel Island immediately. I have no time to lose.", said Ulala, disappearing from in front of Eggman. He chuckled again and said, "That foolish girl has no idea what she is doing. Even I know that Knuckles is not one to just hand over the Emeralds….unless of course, if she outsmarts him."
Kid Goku: Outsmart Knuckles? Too easy. Knuckles is truly a powerful fighter, but he is truly shy on brain.
Knuckles: HEY! NOT COOL!
Kid Goku: Anyway, Leonidas was in the middle of town, searching ever building and every alley, trying to find at least a single clue on where Ulala may have went…
"I've searched almost everywhere, and still no sign of her. There must be something I am missing…", Leonidas said to himself.
"Yo, Leonidas! Up here!", I said from above, hovering in the air in Herbie. "Any luck finding her?"
"Not a single clue down here. What about you?", said Leonidas.
"No sign of her on Herbie's radar, and I have yet to get any news from Zack & the others. Everything is quiet.", said the teenage Saiyan.
"Well, I have no idea where she could be. If you own all the things that can break seals, shouldn't she be coming to YOU?", Leonidas said.
"I know, and it has me worried.", I said, before a beeping on Herbie's telecom screen was heard. "Hang on, I'm getting a call. …Yes, this is Allen. Who's speaking?"
"Hey, Allen! Zack & the others are at the Dimensional Peaks up to something. What's going on down there?", Knuckles had asked.
"A bit of trouble, Knuckles. There is a demon dragon slayer loose in Amaria, and we have been searching for her for the last 2 hours. How is everything on your end?", I asked.
"Everything is fine. The Chaos Emeralds & The Master Emerald is perfectly protected.", said Knuckles. "What about the Big Bang Emeralds, the Rainbow Emeralds, & the Heaven Emeralds back at your place, Allen?"
"They are safe. ….Wait, the Chaos Emeralds are with you on Angel Island, correct?", I had asked, a single thought had come to my mind.
"Yeah. You should've known that. Angel Island hasn't moved from its location above the Dimensional Peaks.", said Knuckles.
"THAT'S IT! I know where Ulala is heading!", I said, with a look of worry on my face.
"What was that?", Leonidas had said from below me.
"No wonder Herbie's radar didn't pick her up! She's not within the city. SHE'S ABOVE IT! Knuckles, she's heading towards you!", I said.
"But why? Why would a demon head here?", Knuckles had asked.
"I'm taking a big guess on this. The Chaos Emeralds has the power to destroy seals, do they?", I had asked.
"Why, yes. Yes they do.", said Knuckles. That's when another voice broke into the conversation. "FINALLY! The Chaos Emeralds are mine!", said Ulala. "Hey! Get back here with those! Thief!", Knuckles said, cutting the conversation to an end.
"Knuckles! Leonidas, let's get moving! No time to lose! Up, over, & gone!", I said, lurching Herbie upward towards Angel Island. That's when Zack contacting me as well saying, "Allen, I sense trouble at Angel Island! Is something going on up there?"
"Yeah! It's Ulala! She's has the Chaos Emeralds, and Knuckles is on the chase after her!", I said.
"What! We are on the way, Allen!", said Zack, cutting off the conversation. Faster & faster Herbie flew, Leonidas flying behind me. We had finally spotted Angel Island and both landed there perfectly. When I hopped out of Herbie, I spotted something I thought I would never see.
"KNUCKLES! Hey, Knuckles! Are you alright?", I said, running over to Knuckles, who was laying on the ground badly beaten.
He groaned as he looked at me and said, "I'm sorry. S-she's too strong….I didn't even land a single punch on her."
"Just hang in there, man! Which way did she go?", I had asked.
"S-she said something about….going to the place in this city with the m-most…most power…", Knuckles said.
"A place with the most power in Amaria? ….OH-NO! This is bad! Of all the places, she chooses there!", I exclaimed, my look of worry growing even longer.
"Huh? I don't understand. Where did she go?", Leonidas said.
"DPU HQ. If she can reroute the Chaos Emeralds' energy through the DPU's mainframe, she can destroy the seal of the Underworld from that exact spot.", I said. "At least it is being protected by a digital barrier. Only person that can get rid of it is Lucemon, and she would have to get into the Digital version of the DPU to get to him and do it."
'That's what he thinks. A digital barrier is no biggie. I can easily walk right through it without a problem.', Ulala thought to herself, eavesdropping from a safe distance. 'Although, this Lucemon character troubles me. It may be a little difficult for me to get in with him around. Guess I'll just have to….trick him.', she continued before disappearing to the middle of the city.
I gasped loudly when I felt Ulala's power level disappear & reappear instantly. I clutched my head as I broke out into a cold sweat, breathing heavily. Leonidas spotted my reaction & asked, "Hey, are you alright?"
"Never have I had a reaction like that from sensing a power level. Either way, I've found Ulala, and she is moving in on HQ fast.", I said, trying to keep my balance. My legs finally gave out & fell back slightly, but I was caught by someone behind me. I looked up to see Nori Kusemurai's face.
"Easy, Allen. We don't need you to keel over right now.", he said.
I chuckled and said, "Something is wrong here. My body is completely fatigued for some reason."
"Well, that's kinda obvious when you haven't had any rest in three days. You've been awfully busy, so you are beat.", said Nori, sitting me upright to face Leonidas.
"I may be fatigued, but I just can't let you guys go in there alone. I must keep fighting…", I said, struggling to my feet. I put on a serious face & said, "Nori, get to the DPU & set up a barricade with your shadow clones. Leonidas, go with Nori & try to hold off Ulala as much as you can.", I continued.
"What will you do?", Nori asked. I replied and said, "I need to get my Keyblade back to help us. Have Zack & the others tend to Knuckles' injuries."
"B-but didn't you lose your Keyblade when the Dimensional Rift was corrupted? How on Earth will you find it in time?", Nori asked.
"I don't know…but I've got to try. I have a few ideas on where it could be anyway.", I said. I struggled over to Herbie and crawled into the driver's seat. He began floating into the air and said, "Where are we heading to first, Allen?"
"To Disney Castle, & make it quick.", I said softly, about to pass out from exhaustion.
"Good luck finding the Keyblade, Allen! We'll make sure to keep the DPU safe!", said Nori.
"Then get moving! Ulala could be there already!", I said, before Herbie ripped into the Dimensional Rift once again.
"Oh, he's right! See you there, Leonidas.", Nori said, disappearing into a black void. Leonidas waited for Zack & the others to arrive, handing Knuckles over to them gently to take care of. With a loud roar, he flew off of the floating island and headed towards DPU HQ.
Narrator: Meanwhile, Allen was in the Dimensional Rift, pondering on where could his Keyblade could be located. As he got closer to Disney Castle, he tried & tried again to summon the mysterious weapon, but to no avail…
"It's no use. I haven't been able to resummon the Keyblade since the Dimensional Rift was restored so many months ago. I don't understand it! I should be able to summon it whenever I need it, so why can't I?", I said to myself, staring at my empty hand.
'Why do you need the Keyblade in the first place, Allen?', Yami said in my head.
'Well, with a little luck, I could use the Keyblade's power to cancel out the energy of the Chaos Emeralds. If I can do that, the ability to unlock the seal of the Underworld would no longer be accessible through the Chaos Emeralds' power.', I replied.
'Ah, I see. You want to reroute that ability into the Keyblade itself, so that it will keep the Underworld seal locked for all eternity, right?'
'Exactly. The Keyblade can naturally keep things like a seal locked, and if I can draw the Chaos Emeralds' power into it, it should keep the seal from ever being broken.'
"Next stop, Disney Castle. Please fasten your seatbelts for re-entry.", Herbie said, mocking a flight attendant.
"Ha-ha, Herbie. Let's just land.", said the Saiyan. With that, Herbie exited out of the Rift and landed in the middle of a giant courtyard. In the distance, I could see a giant white castle with blue steeples. I got out of the car and ran up to the front door, & knocked on it loudly.
"Who goes there!", said a voice from the other side. I naturally replied, "Aelitatrix Bearer Allen Henegan would like to see King Mickey Mouse, please."
"The Aelitatrix Bearer? Right away!", said the guard, opening the door wide for me to enter. I walked inside, following the guard through the castle. We finally stopped in front of a wooden door and said, "The King is in the library. You may go inside."
I nodded at the guard and walked inside. The library was silent when I walked in. Only four people were in the entire room & I instantly knew who they were: King Mickey, Sora the Keyblade Master, Goofy, Captain of the Royal Guards, & Donald Duck, Court Wizard. I raised my voice and said, "Hey, guys."
"Hmm? Allen? What are you doing here?", said Donald, waddling over to me. Sora & Goofy ran over to me as well and tackled me to the floor laughing.
"It's been a while, hasn't it, Allen?", Sora said.
"Yeah, it has been. How is Kairi & Riku doing?", I asked.
"They are doing quite well, thanks. The King had a feeling you would've shown up here today.", Sora said.
"Oh, he did?", I said, turning to King Mickey in his desk. I gave him the usual DPU salute and said, "It's a pleasure to see you again, sir."
"It's always a pleasure to see you, Allen. What brings you here?", Mickey asked.
"I'm on a search for my missing Keyblade, sir, so I came here to check for it, since this dimension is the home of all Keyblades.", I said.
"Your Keyblade is missing? Oh, my, this is a predicament. I remember the first day you got your Keyblade, & you were so happy. When did it disappear, Allen?", the King said.
"It disappeared around the time the Dimensional Rift was corrupted, after returning from Yugi's past. I've been there many times already, yet I have had no luck finding it. I don't know where to begin.", I said.
"Hmm….the Keyblades are known to have free spirits, so they can travel from wherever they are at the moment to their wielder. It could be possible that it is in a world that is not accessible from the outside.", Mickey said. "Do you know of any worlds that are like that?"
"Well, there is the Digital World, but Lucemon hasn't had an encounter with it at all.", I said.
"Is there another world like that?", Mickey said.
I gasped when he said that. I instantly thought, 'Why on Earth would it be THERE of all places?' I finally said, "Yes. There is the Virtual World, Lyoko. I haven't been there in a long time, and from what Jeremie has told me about it, XANA has been up to something. Something BIG."
"XANA has been awfully quiet on your end, hasn't he? Must be something going on over there. I suggest checking it out immediately.", King Mickey said.
I nodded. "Right. I'm off right now!", I said, running back outside to Herbie. I grunted when the pain of fatigue hit me once again, but I shook it off and clambered back inside of the car. "Alright, Herbie. To the Factory!"
With that, Herbie shot off into the Dimensional Rift yet again. Closer & closer we came to Aelita's dimension, Nicole's voice rang out from the radio. "XANA alert! XANA alert!", she said.
"So he is launching an attack. Don't worry, Nicole! I'm almost there! How is Nori & the others holding out against Ulala?", I asked.
"Bad! She's tearing through the defenses as if they were nothing! Leonidas is still keeping her at bay, but I don't know how long it'll be before he gives out! Hurry, Allen!", Nicole said.
"Alright, Herbie, double time it!", I said to the car. Herbie honked loudly, and shot further down the Dimensional Rift a lot quicker. A bright flash shone around me, and a loud shattering noise indicated I was on the outside of the Rift. Below me, I could see Kadic Academy, busy with the education of its students. "Hmm….I wonder if Jeremie & the others are still in class? Well, it won't hurt to find out!"
With that notion, the Aelitatrix shrunk me down to my kid form, to the size of an 8th grader this time, and Herbie landed at the gates. 'I do believe that all my school supplies are still in my dorm room, which is next door to Jeremie's.', I thought to myself, running onto the campus, trying not to be spotted.
Narrator: Meanwhile, in Mrs. Hertz' classroom, Jeremie & the others was listening in on her lesson…well, everyone but Odd, of course…
"So, Jeremie, anything on XANA's attack?", Aelita asked.
"Negative. It is true he has been attacking a lot more recently, and that the attacks are a lot more challenging, but I have no idea where he is getting all the power he is using to launch these attacks.", said Jeremie, typing on his laptop, checking the Super Scanner.
Ulrich, who was sitting behind the two asked, "What about William? Please tell me I am not the only one that has noticed that he has been using a new weapon on Lyoko."
"You mean that key-shaped item?", Yumi asked.
"Yeah, I have noticed that. I know Jeremie has noticed it as well.", said Aelita.
"Yes, I have, and it has me worried. The supercomputer has no information on it. I've been trying to hack my way into the weapon itself, but it seems like it shouldn't even exist on Lyoko in the first place.", Jeremie said.
"Would you five keep quiet? I'm trying to teach a class here!", said Mrs. Hertz, looking at Aelita & co. sternly.
"Sorry, Mrs. Hertz.", said the five in unison. That's when the door to her classroom opened and I walked in with a smile on my face.
"Sorry, I'm late, Mrs. Hertz! I am just returning back to Kadic Academy from a long, but boring vacation.", I said, handing her a late note.
"Mr. Henegan, welcome back. You may take your seat.", she said, turning back to the chalkboard. I sat down beside Aelita, and all five of the Lyoko Warriors, including Sissi who was eavesdropping, was staring dead at me.
"Allen! What are you doing here?", Jeremie asked.
"Shh. It's not safe to talk. Walls have ears, ya know?", I replied, nudging towards Sissi. "All of you, meet me in my dorm room after class.", I continued, writing in a leather journal.
Narrator: The classes passed by rather quickly. Once they did, Allen returned to his dorm room. He was still writing in his leather journal when a knock at his door was heard…
"Come on in. It's open.", I said, not facing the door. The doorknob turned, and Jeremie walked in followed by the others.
"So, Allen, what brings you to our world this time? Going to give us a hand in fighting XANA?", said Odd, tossing me an orange soda.
"You could say that, Odd.", I said, cracking the drink open and drinking it slowly. "I am here on a search for my missing Keyblade. I'll be needing it to save my city."
"A Key….blade?", Jeremie said.
"Yes. It looks like this.", I replied, showing the five a drawn out version of the Keyblade I own. They all gasped when they saw it.
"Hey, that's the weapon that William used against us a few days ago. How'd he get it?", Ulrich asked.
"That's the question: how did it get into Lyoko? All I know is that I have got to get it back before it is too late. That reminds me, Nori, can you hear me?", I said, talking to the Aelitatrix.
"J-Just barely..", he said weakly.
"How's it going on your end?", I asked worriedly.
"Leonidas is still fighting Ulala, but he isn't gonna last for long. Lucemon still has a barrier to the Dimensional Orb's chamber room, but if this keeps up, she'll get to it. Hurry…", he said, before the connection went out.
"NORI!", I said. "We don't have time. We've gotta move, now!", I continued, standing from my chair, only to collapse again.
"Allen! Allen, are you ok?", Aelita asked, kneeling beside me.
"N-no…this isn't normal for me to be this fatigued…", I said softly. "Nicole mentioned XANA was attacking. Does the Super Scanner agree with her, Jeremie?"
"Hang on, I'll check.", said Jeremie. He sat down on my bed and typed on his laptop. A bunch of beeping noises was coming from the Super Scanner before he said, "Bingo. There's an activated tower in the ice sector. The source of the attack is heading to….wait a minute…this isn't right."
"What is it, Jeremie? Where is XANA attacking?", Yumi asked.
"His attack is directed here, in this exact room. But what could he be attacking?", Jeremie said, looking all over the room. He finally glimpsed something out of the corner of his eye and said, "NO WAY! How?"
"Huh?", I asked, trying to figure out what he was looking at.
"Allen, look at the Aelitatrix!", Jeremie said. Naturally, I looked, and what was staring back at me was XANA's insignia.
"Ah! XANA!", I said, trying to take the Aelitatrix off my arm, but to no avail. The symbol glowed red as it continued draining me of my energy. It was almost as if it was searching for something deep within me. A loud scream pierced through my head, as if something wanted to claw its way out of me. "S-something's wrong…we need to…to deactivate the tower….NOW!", I said.
"Hang in there, Allen!", Ulrich said. He put one of my arms around him and walked me out of the room. Jeremie and the others followed, ready for the oncoming fight on Lyoko.
Narrator: Each minute that passed by, Allen's body grew weaker and weaker. By the time they got to the Factory, he barely had the energy to get into the scanner. Wait, the scanner?
"Allen, you have got to be kidding! I am not gonna send you to Lyoko in your condition! Get back here in the computer lab right now.", Jeremie said over the Factory's loudspeaker.
I heaved heavily as I stood in the scanner. "Jeremie, I have to do this. Send me to Lyoko.", I said weakly.
Jeremie, who was clenching the arm rests of the lab's chair said, "No way, Allen! You could get yourself killed by doing that!"
"I SAID SEND ME TO LYOKO, AND I MEAN NOW!", I yelled back at him.
Jeremie jumped from the chair slightly. He continued typing some keys into the computer interface and sad, "Fine. If that is what you wish. Ulrich and the others are taking on a few Bloxs. A Schipizoa is a bit far from Aelita's location, so I'm sending you to protect her. And William is moving towards them fast. Are you ready to go, Allen?"
"Always ready, Jeremie.", I said, standing up straight in the scanner.
"Alright, here we go. TRANSFER: Allen.", said Jeremie.
A light surrounded me in the scanner. I groaned as the light moved up and down in front of me.
"SCANNER: Allen.", Jeremie continued as the virtual reincarnation of myself loaded itself onto the computer screen. "VIRTUALIZATION!"
And with that, my human self was gone. But, a beeping noise was heard from the supercomputer, then a voice said, "Error. Error. Location of subject has been recalculated and deposited to a set location."
"What? If Allen didn't go to where I sent him, where is he?", Jeremie said, punching a bunch of keys, searching for where the transfer landed me.
Kid Goku: At the same time, I was wandering around in the ice sector, trying to pinpoint where Aelita and the others where. But, since my body was so fatigued, most of my sensing abilities have failed me…
"Jeremie….what happened? Where is everyone?", I said outward to Jeremie.
"Give me a minute. I do know this much: you are in the Ice sector, so you landed in the right sector.", said Jeremie.
"A minute is too long. Where are they?", I asked again.
"Impatient as…..Allen, watch it! A monster is heading straight for you!", Jeremie said.
That's when I heard an oh-so familiar growl. "Jeremie….that can't be what I think it is, can it?", I said.
"I GET IT! Allen, it's a trap! XANA separated you from Aelita and the others to have the Schipizoa attack you!", Jeremie said.
As he said, the Schipizoa loomed above me menacingly, its tentacles pulsing with a red glow. I shot two Ki blasts at it, but it dodged them easily. "N-no way….Jeremie, do something! Those attacks have me practically drained!"
But then, the Schipizoa lunged at me, and ensnared me within its grasp. I gave a throaty groan as it drained my energy even further. "Oh, no! Yumi, Ulrich, Odd, Aelita! Allen's in trouble!", Jeremie said to the others.
"Fill us in, Einstein!", Odd said, who was firing at a bunch of Bloks. Yumi and Ulrich were facing William head to head, and Aelita was still fighting off some Waspsters.
"XANA somehow deported Allen onto another plateau in the Ice sector. The Schipizoa is draining him of what energy he has left!", said Jeremie. "And I can't help him at all from my end!"
"Say what?", Aelita said, before getting shot by a Waspster.
William chuckled as he flawlessly sliced through Yumi's life points, returning her to the Factory. "You are fools. If only you knew the true reason for the trap to begin with.", he said coldly, before turning into a puff of black smoke, heading directly for my location.
"J-Jeremie….", I said weakly. Finally, the Schipizoa released its grip on me and dropped me hard on the ice floor. I looked up towards the creature and noticed a black aura surrounding it. A puff of smoke appeared beside me, and William appeared from it. He looked down at me and laughed coldly.
"Poor Allen Henegan. So weak, so defiant, and so ridiculously clueless of everything.", William said, kicking me in the face. I yelled from the kick, my body so fatigued that even the slightest hit would hurt me. He then took his attention from me to the Schipizoa and said, "Take a good look, Henegan. XANA has finally succeeded in making the ultimate creature."
"Ultimate…creature?", I asked softly.
"A being with no mercy, made from the hidden evil inside you, reimbursed with the lost Saiyan memory that was forever locked away. He is no longer kept bound inside you, for he is his own free spirit!", said William. The Schipizoa screeched loudly as the black aura consumed it whole. It floated behind William as it began to take form of a human. I lay on the ground shaking as this new foe began to cross over into this world, scared from sensing the immense darkness that was indeed him. His eyes, glowing with a ghastly silver glow, which easily matched the pale face he had, showing no signs of happiness whatsoever.
"….W-what am I?", he said, looking at himself as the dark aura enveloped around his body like a barrier.
A dark vortex appeared in the sky and a threatening voice spoke loudly to the being, "You are my latest creation. A being whose sole purpose is to destroy anything in your path. You are the shadow of Allen Henegan, the Aelitatrix Bearer: the boy who lies at your feet. I have given you more than enough power to kill him with one breath. You are the perfect weapon, and you have no equal.", said the voice.
Jeremie was listening to the voice, then he said, "Who are you?"
"It is I: XANA. The world's deadliest virus!", the voice boomed.
"XANA?", I said with a grunt.
"It can talk?", Jeremie said with a shocked voice. He shook his head and said, "Yumi, Odd, Aelita, Ulrich! What is taking you guys so long?"
"We can see Allen from our present location, but there is a barrier here that is keeping us from interfering! We can't get access to him, Jeremie!", Aelita said.
"Yeah, no joke. This barrier is ten times stronger than what we have dealt with before. Not even Aelita can break it!", Yumi said.
"Might I interrupt the quarrel? I am not finished speaking.", XANA spoke. "William Dunbar, you have done well as the general to my army."
"Thank you, Master XANA.", William said.
"It's too bad that your services are no longer required.", he continued.
"What was that?", William asked.
"With Allen's Shadow, I don't need you anymore. I release you from my control, and return you to the mortal world from whence you came! BEGONE!", XANA boomed. A red light shone from the vortex, and a bolt of lightning struck William.
"NO! MASTER XANA!", he yelled, before being digitized.
"WILLIAM!", I yelled. "Jeremie, is he..?"
"William is ok. He was returned back to the Factory.", Jeremie said.
"Now, my servant. Finish the job, and kill the Aelitatrix Bearer!", XANA said.
"Do you ever shut up?", said the being.
"What?", XANA snapped.
"I am not Allen's Shadow, and I am not your servant. You may have created me, but that is the one mistake you have made. I am Arufunu the Shadow, and I make my own rules!", Arufunu said. The dark aura around him grew as clothes surrounded his body. "And my first rule is that I am not bound by your control!"
"INSOLENT WRETCH! I made you, so obey me!", XANA said.
Arufunu jumped slightly and floated into the air. He said, "My plan is superior to yours, XANA. Unlike you, I can leave Lyoko. Deal with your little battles with these peons. I have bigger and better things in store for them." Arufunu looked down towards me and said, "Listen up, Henegan. I am not gonna kill you so soon. I suggest being prepared to crumble at my feet, for by the end of this month, the Aelitatrix Bearer and the Dimensional Protection Unit….no….the entire multiverse shall be destroyed!"
He moved his hand slightly and my KeyBlade appeared in his hand. He threw it down towards me and it planted into the ice beside my head. "Keep that pitiful excuse of a weapon! You'll need it! Hahahaha!", he laughed loudly, before disappearing into the vortex.
"NO!", XANA yelled before his voice disappeared. A bright light surrounded me, and as if by magic, I could feel energy re-entering my body rapidly. I stood to my feet and looked up to the virtual sky.
"Arufunu….my shadow….another exciting battle. I can't wait!", I said confidently.
"Allen, are you forgetting something? The DPU!", Jeremie said.
"Oh, yeah! I ALMOST FORGOT!", I said, grabbing my KeyBlade. It shot sparks of light from the blade, rejoicing from being reunited with me. "Get me out of here, Jeremie! I need to get back there on the double!"
"Right! Materialization: Allen!", said Jeremie, typing in the code for me to return to the Factory.
I exited out of the scanner quickly, my Millennium Puzzle glowing as I switch from myself to Yami. I said my goodbyes to Jeremie and ran outside to where Herbie was parked. "Ready to go, Yami?", he asked.
"Forgot it, bud. I gotta beat feet if I am gonna save the DPU in time. Up, over, and gone!", I said, rocketing into the Dimensional Rift with Herbie following behind.
Narrator: Meanwhile, back at the DPU Headquarters, Ulala was laughing over the wounded bodies of all the DPU members. Zack and Leonidas were barely able to stand as they looked back at her, blocking Ulala from the Dimensional Orb…
"It's over, boys. Just stand aside and make things easier on yourselves.", said Ulala, her hair glowing bright silver with power.
"N-never! You are not getting past me!", Zack said.
Leonidas groaned as he kept a hand over his chest, a deep gash was sliced over it. "I-is that the best you got, Ulala? You need t do better than that if you want to get past us. Hah…hahaha….", Leonidas laughed weakly, before getting roundhouse kicked in the forehead, dropping him on his knees.
"Leonidas! Gah!", Zack groaned as he got sliced in the back with Ulala's sword. His eyes turned pitch yellow as he dropped to the floor as well.
"In the end, not even your precious Aelitatrix Bearer came to save you.", Ulala said.
"Care to bet on that?", I said, appearing out of the Dimensional Rift behind Ulala, constraining her by the neck.
"What? How? You were never here!", Ulala said, snatching herself out of my grip. She quickly ran over to the Orb with the Chaos Emeralds in hand and said, "It's too late now. Once this orb absorbs the energy of the Chaos Emeralds , I shall unlock the seal of the Underworld from right here."
"Is it that easy?", I said, pointing my KeyBlade at the Emeralds. "I beg to differ. Your plan won't work.", I continued, my KeyBlade glowing slightly. I could also began to see the Emeralds glow at the same time.
"Idle threats, Henegan. Idle threats.", she said, dropping the Emeralds one by one into the Orb. "Now, Heart of the Multiverse, unseal the Underworld in the Doom Dimension, so my fellow demons can lay waste to the Shadowdragon clan, and the universe!"
"That is beyond the Orb's power to do. Only the Aelitatrix Bearer and a member of the Taimukipa family is able to cross over into the Doom Dimension and remove the seal manually. Tough luck, Ulala.", said Nicole, rejecting the Chaos Emeralds towards me. With a flash of light, each Emerald was absorbed into the KeyBlade, which had Ulala shocked with awe.
"No way. I did not just go through all of that just to fail! I shall….not be defeated!", Ulala said, lunging towards me. I could see red claws jutting from her fingers, poised at slicing me in half. The Keyblade glowed slightly and pointed itself directly up above my head. It shot a beam of light as it opened up a passage to another dimension, taking me, Ulala, and Leonidas within it.
"Trixie, where is the Keyblade taking us?", I asked the Aelitatrix.
"Unknown destination. Have yet to be traveled to. Yet, it has a connection to the Chaos Emeralds. This world can support life. No other data.", Trixie said.
"I'm gonna kill you, Henegan!", Ulala yelled, firing a red spear at my back.
"Yikes! Yami, a little help here!", I said to the Spirit. He nodded and merged with my mind, taking over my body once again. They Keyblade glowed again and we exited out of the Dimensional Rift, landing on a mountain top, surrounded by forest as far as the eye can see.
Leonidas growled softly as he stood to his feet and saw our present location. "W-where…are we?", he asked. Ulala was flabbergasted that Leonidas was even talking, let alone standing up.
"How are you still standing!", she yelled, holding two more spears, backing away from both of us slowly.
"Heh. Do I sense fear in your eyes, Ulala? Has it come to pass that you have become scared of us?", Leonidas said, walking towards her with a limp.
"Just give up. You don't have to fight anymore.", Yami said calmly, walking towards her as well. She kept backing away from the two, more and more scared each second.
"J-J-Just stay away from me!", she said.
"Ulala, watch where you are going!", Leonidas said, but it was too late. She made one last step and tripped on the edge of a cliff.
"N-no! Help!", she yelled, falling off quickly. I was the first to move, but Leonidas had dived off the cliff after her quickly. I could see he was still injured, so I opened another portal underneath the two, using the last of my energy in my body.
"Don't worry, Ulala! I got you!", Leo said, catching her in his hands, before entering the Rift. She looked up at him and said, "Why? Why did you save me?"
"You may have done my people wrong by killing them all off….but I couldn't just let you die. You're just a young girl.", Leo said. Ulala felt her face warm up slightly with a blush on her face, but then passed out from experiencing the fear of almost dying.
I spoke in Leo's head saying., "Take Ulala back to my place and let her sleep. I'll catch up with you later." With those words, I fell from the sky, landing hard in a building underneath me. I blacked out, before hearing a female say, "Hey. Wake up! Are you alright? Someone, call the Royal Nurse! I got a hurt boy here!"
Kid Goku: Where on Earth have I landed this time? Looks like you'll find out in the next exciting installment of Sonic GX!
Kid Goku: Wow, that was truly fun! Talk about an interesting way to end a chapter, no?
Leo: Allen, Ulala wants me to ask you a question about what she should do now.
Kid Goku: What she should do? What do you mean?
Ulala: ….I….want…to join…the DPU…. *passes back out*
Kid Goku: NO WAY! Really?
Sophie: How's your head, Allen? You ok?
Kid Goku: Yeah, I'll be fi….wait a second, WHO ARE YOU!
Yugi Muto: Next time on Sonic GX: Of Hedgehogs and Royalty!
Yami Allen: Don't miss out! Later!