"Coco? You awake?" Maxxi asked, shaking the silent feline. Coco murmmered softly. "C'mon kid, y'gotta eat something." Maxxi urged, pushing the bowl of soup closer to her. Coco rolled over on her bed.
"Please? Coco, we know what you're going through, but please don't starve yourself." Scooter begged.
"How could you possibly know?" Coco mummbled.
"Because we've pretty much raised ya from a little kid, we know you." Maxxi repsonded, sitting on hte bed, the bowl of warm soup still in his hands.
"You don't know anything about me."
"Yes, Coco, we do, we know what you like, what you don't like, your favorite everything, we really know you!" Scooter said, cupping her cheek.
"Just stop! I just want to be alone!" Coco yelled, throwing the covers over her head.
Maxxi and Scooter looked up at Leon who was leaning against the wall.
"I'll talk to her." He said as the other two left. Leon went over and softly layed next to her on the bed. "Coco, talk to me." He said.
"It's always teh same."
"What is?"
"Each time I think I'm safe...or that soemone might actually love me, they hurt me."
"That's not true."
"Yes, it is. My father sold me for drug money when I was only four, someone I trusted turned their back on my when I needed them most, Jazzmin left me, and you can't protect me."
"Kid, stop it, Jazzmin didn't leave you, you know what happened! And I can protect you."
"No, you can't, everytime I turn around Houser adn Rachet are there!" She screamed, holding the covers over her head. Leon sighed and layed his head down.
"Fine, I can't protect you all the time. BUt Coco, I protect you as much as I can, and then some. I don't want you to get hurt, and seeing you like this isn't helping."
"And just beating up whoever hurts me workds?"
Leon smiled softly, "if they hurt you I'll hurt them, probably not the best solution, but hey, what would you expect from a two hundreed pound territorial wolf?"
Coco smiled weakly. "Now come on, get theses things off your head and eat soemthing." Leon said, prying the covers from ehr head. COco sighed and rolled on her back as her stomach growled. "See, you're hungery." Leon said, handing her the bowl.
"Thanks." COco said softly.
"Kid, I will protect you anyway I can. If that means I gotta pay someone to follow you around or do it myself, I will. But believe me, you're safe, I won't let anything hurt you, alright?" Coco nodded slowly. "That's my girl, eat up." Leon smiled and gave her a spoon.
Coco snuggled deeper into Leons mane in the night. Her amrs held onto him tightly while she dreamed. Leon groaned and rolled over, taking Coco with him.
"Mf!" Coco almost giggled at this thought, until she realised Leon was 3oo pounds! She mummbed and tried to push, but he wouldn't budge. Damn it, when she got out, no more steaks for him! Leon groaned and rolled over again.
That was the third time tonight!
Coco hit his arm pouting, only for Leon to roll over again. "NO NO NPPPH!"
"Waaarrrmmm." Leon mummbled, curling into a ball around Coco, "my warm~"
Great, no Coco wasn't trapped UNDER a giant wolf, but practically IN it. Leon had curled up so tight Coco was surrouned by his chest, arms and anything else.
"Great..echo, echo echo!"
Leon, Maxxi, Scooter, Rachet, Houser belong to :iconShadowTH22:
Coco is mine and so is Jazzmin.
13 years, 3 months ago
06 Dec 2011 19:29 CET
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