(knock knock) "Keep dusting, Toad. I'll get this." "Goo goo!" "Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me." "What, what?" "Lemmy put you up to this, didn't he?" "No, I'm an orphaned baby, really!" "I can smell his work from a mile away. And that hissing, that's a Bob-omb, right?" "Uh... no. I had a really big bottle before I got here!" "Riiiight. Look, I've been kidnapped by you guys, like, a lot, and this is the lamest scheme you've come up with yet. I'll let you go just this once, but only because I'm a little embarrassed for you." "I'm not going anywhere!" "Have it your way. Hey, Mario, someone left a suspiciously scaly baby at the front door..." "Oh crap! Come on, Bob-Omb, we've gotta go!" "You put a stick up my butt for THIS?"
How I end up in these situations, I'll never know..-.0