"Hey guys! Just gotta text!" Leon called fromthe couch where WWE was playing.
"Ayva's coming home." Leon replied. Well, that caused a reaction. Jazz smiled.
"Great, been quite here lately, now things will be back to normal."
"GAH!" Scooter ran into the room and dove under the coffee table. "If she can't see me, she can't kill me, if sh ecan't see me she can't kill me, if she can't see me she can't kill me!" He continued to do his little chant, his tail tucked between his legs.
"Is he okay?" Coco asked, bringing Leon his beer.
"Yeah, he's fine, Ayva can scare him sometimes." He said, taking it from her.
"Are we still doing moving night?"
"Course, hehm but Ayva chooses."
"Why? I thought it was my turn?"
"Yeah, sorry kid, but when Ayva's here, we practically bend to her whims."
"Even you?" COco asked, opening her Cola.
"Heh, sometimes, if, y'know, she gets pissed off enough." Coco looked at eh screen as one wrestler slammed another on the cement floor. Dante walked through the living room, pausing onnly to ask if Ayva was really coming back, and when th eanswer was yes, he went off to the kitchen.
"Is anyone hungery?" Coco asked, giving off a tiny burp.
"I'll 'ave somethin'." Maxxi called from the patio where he was smoking. Coco banished him there since the smell made her almost barf. The smell of an unlit cigarette she liked, but not the smoke.
"What would you like?"
"How 'bout that one,uh, lamb.."
"Rack of lamb?"
"Sure, anyone else?" Leon swigged his beer.
"Eh, two steaks."
"Boys! Guess who!" Ayva called, setting down her suitcases.
"AYVA!" Coco trotted into the room and gave her a hug.
"Hey, kid, how ya been? Have the guys been behaving?"
"Well, Houser and Rachet have onyl tried to rape me seven times since you left, Dante shot at me three times, Leon broke three ribs and an arm on a guy, Scooter is..." She looked at the coffee table.
"If she cannot see me she cannot kill me, if she can't see me she can't kill me..."
"No need for an explination there, what's for dinner?" Ayva asked, peeling off her jacket.
"Well, Leon of course is having meat, Dante, I don't know and Houser and Rachet went out to an orgy again, Maxxi will be back in about an hour, and scooter...I don't know."
"Alright, can I get your spinach roll-ups? Their the best!"
"Sure, oh! That reminds me! Jazz is on his way back, he had a gig down at the music club."
"He's getting back into music?" Ayva asked, kicking her boots and plopping on the couch.
"Yeah, he;s doing amazing!" Coco said, begining to pull her suitcases to her room.
"Just leave them, I'll get em in a bit." Ayva smiled.
"Okay, I'll get started on dinner!" Coco said, prancing from the room. Ayva looked around, they hadn't killed anything. She leaned down to look under the coffee table and smiled.
"Scooter, I can see you~"
Scooter, Jazz, Leon, Houser, Rachet, Maxxi belong to :iconShadowTH22:
Ayva is :iconShadowTH22:
Coco is mine.
13 years, 3 months ago
05 Dec 2011 15:16 CET
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