Character Sheet for Ruby splash
Character Description
She has a split personality so she’s shy one minute but if you see her in the rainbow factory she’s like a totally different pony but most of the time shes a sweet loving mother and mate ^^, she will do anything for her friends, she’s very flirty but won’t go for anypony else behind her mates back, she is also very emotional at times and very insecure about herself.
Likes: Gothic looking attire, sleeping, having her ears scratched, cleaning her wings, fruit, animals, her friends and family
Dislikes: Wasps, anyone harming her family or friends, being alone.
Mother - Unknown Pegasus
Father - Unknown Bat pony
Mate - Techno Wing
Son - Techno Blitz
Creepypasta, Rainbow factory, Equestria, The Everfree forest
Yellow fur with freckles and light red patches on the tips of her ears, fetlocks, tail feathers and on the tips of her feathered wings before joining up to her bat membrain, dark pink eyes and red hooves.
A long red mane with two black hair clips and and a long feathered tail with light pink streaks in both.
Her Cutie Mark is a splash of red with a ruby gemstone in the centre.
Black Ear plugs and clip on ear rings, cocker with red gems in it, front leg bracelets and two black hair clips. She also has a tounge piercing.