I've noticed several rapid favs on this piccy, and I would like to know what it is about this pic that is nice enough to fav it? I'm happy everyone likes it, but I would just like to know a little more about what moves you.
I've noticed several rapid favs on this piccy, and I would like to know what it is about this pic th
Its simple, sweet, and has a sort of 'old-ish' style to it, like something you'd see out of an old book. I don't really see playful, or lust.. its just more of a quiet, thoughtful conversation between you two, without saying anything at all. Porn comes and goes, (especially with your submissions xD) ..but it does take a 'certain something' in a non-porn picture to get someone on a site like this to like it. I think this picture does indeed have that 'certain something'.
Its really hard to pin down, and it can't be duplicated or easily explained. You just know it when you see it.
Its simple, sweet, and has a sort of 'old-ish' style to it, like something you'd see out of an old b
It's the romantic moment it captures that he is just thinking about how much you mean to him for example.. You ask him What? he answers You look cute like this. or something similar, you both blush, then you invite him to cuddling or something more Awwwwww-like :33
It's the romantic moment it captures that he is just thinking about how much you mean to him for exa