I never imagined I would receive so much acceptance from a community, but I definitely feel at home here.
I am not very talkative since English is difficult for me. It is a big disadvantage, but I am glad that despite everything, you are all here and like what I do.
To end the year, we will celebrate at Pia's house again, and as usual, everything will end up going out of control!!
On this occasion, I will do some wing its for couples. That means that your purchase is for two characters. Christmas is always better when in desirable company ♥
Two couples will be featured in each image.
- At least one of the two characters must be of the female gender.
- Can be any combination: cub/adult; cub/cub; loli/cub; shota/cub. This is provided the first rule is respected ♥
- The drawing will be in colored sketch.
- Your character doesn't have a partner? The girls of the Yuzuki family can accompany you to this party! (promotion is not valid with all characters)
- All the wing its will be published on December 24.
- The final price is $50 for the couple.
- The Wing-its will be NSFW type
If you are interested in going to the party or have any questions, do not hesitate to send me a private message!
Thank you very much for this wonderful year and I wish you a merry Christmas!