Character Sheet for Stellaluna Aurora Starlight
Use to be by-the-book during her first years on duty, though she's grown to be more flexible when situations arise. She's known to be cheerful, kind, and very intelligent, although she tends to get annoying when talking in techno babel about anything that fascinates her. Overall, she's very curious about how the world works, and is loyal to a fault.
Stellalune Aurora Starlight is a unicorn born 300 years after Starfleet made first contact with Equestria sometime in the 26th century. She is the offspring of two unicorn scientists, named Solar Eclipse and Milkway, who specialized in astrophysics. Highly intelligent and curious about the world, Stella was 8 years old when she discovered her special talent for science, engineering, and exploration after visiting a planetarium and learning about other solar systems, and creating an crude warp engine system in her school science fair for her own space ship. Once she was old enough, she immediately enrolled in Star Fleet Academy, where she took classes to be an engineer and science officer. She also took classes in temporal science and history in case of being assigned to Star Fleet's Temporal Agency.
After graduating, Stella took her first assignment aboard the Federation StarShip U.S.S. Orion (N.X.-01263-C), where she served as an engineer at the rank of Ensign. A year later, she was promoted to Junior Lt. and started duties as a science officer. During a away mission, Stella suffered an accident which robbed her of her eye sight and made her go blind. She was then given special ocular implants, which on command can disguise themselves as her normal eyes. After serving with the Orion for 2 years, Stella transferred to the TimeShip U.T.S. Causality (N.C.V.-04182-L), as a Temporal Science and History Officer. During her tour of duty on board, Stella took her first termporal assignment to 21st century Equestria to study the culture and society of that time peroid. During her stay, Stella had trouble adjusting to the time period and keeping her impression as a normal pony, as the culture of the time was way different from her own. Two years later, she returned home, and was rewarded the rank of Lieutenant, and was soon assigned to the TimeShip/StarShip U.S.S. Axalon (N.C.T.-21064-X), under the command of Captain Rico Sakara Prower, where she currently serves as Chief Science Officer and Assistant Chief Engineer.
As a unicorn, Stella's magical talents include shape-shifting, giving her the ability to temporally create glowing transparent pegasus wings for up to 24 hours flight, and can temporally take on the form of a mobian, anthro, human, or other humanoid forms for about 24 hours when on temporal assignments to other alien planets and cultures (after 24 hours, her magic has to recharge for 6 hours before being used again). She also can create spells granting her the ability to temporally run up to speeds of mach 2, and have temporary super strength, but both only up to about 30 minutes at a time. Because of her magical abilities, she joined Team Sakara as an unofficial forth member of the team, as back-up Speed, Flight, and Power Leader.
Overall, Stella is a valued member of the crew, and loyal to a fault, ready to help the ship and crew whenever needed.
Solar Eclipse (father)
Milkyway (mother)
Grey the Tribble (pet)
A multi-crossover universe - Star Trek/Sonic/My Little Pony
29th century Science Devision Star Fleet Uniform