After one of Leons fights, the house was always abuzz in excitement. Leon reclined on the sofa, waiting for Coco to bring him his steaks.
"Dude, that was hte best hit ever! I could've literally hit his head off!" Scooter explaimed.
"Nah, I don't really wanna kill someone again." He said, reclining his head back.
Coco was in the Kitchen, working on Leons favorite dish: four large steaks, cooked medium rare with steak rub, onion and green pepper chunks and a hint of garlic. She smiled and moved the meat to a large plate and walked into the living room.
"Leon." Coco giggled, standing in the doorway. Leon sniffed hte air and immedialty started drooling. "Here's the main course for the champion!" Coco smiled setting the plate down. "So, what happened tonight?" She asked, sitting on her own comfy chair.
"It was awesome! That twerp from last week showed up and tried to get a jump on Leon-"
"So I punched him out, he's probably still unconsious, will be for a few days." Leon said between chews.
"Aw! That's my Leon!" Coco cooed, kissing his head.
"Someones gonna get a nice little celebration tonight!" Scooter cheered. Coco smiled, he was drunk, of course."
Leon was almost done with teh second steak, "Scooter, shut up before your my next victim." Scooter zipped it.
Coco smiled, "so, I'm guessing you did good?"
"He did, and so did I!" Houser smiled, looking at his stack of cash fromt he betting ring.
"Houser, you're still betting?" Coco asked. She didn't like him one bit, but she...more or less, and mostly less, tolerated him.
"No shit, dumbass!"
"What happened last time?" Coco asked, crossing her arms. Houser growled, not wantin to recal how one angery guy pulled a knife on him.
Coco had been seeing a shrink for the last few months and that had really helped with ehr memories of Violet Breeze. She was at the point where she could be dinner and, of course, Houser and Rachet would try and make her remember all the things she did. But Coco just sat there. SH etold herself she was safe from that place.
Coco was now at the ripe age of 15. She had really grown up. It seemed they had to buy new clothes every week. Her previously slim torso was now slightly thicker but dented with flirtaceous curves. Leon had been trying to ignore this change. He didn't want to make a pass, but still, having a girl, or now, a young woman around the house, did make the eyes wonder. Her chest was now donned with ample b cups breasts, nothing impressive. Her legs, as some would say, went on for miles. She had grown to a healthy five foot 3 inches in the last 5 years, so she nno longer was the midget in the house, although, Scooter had adopted the term 'midget' as her perminate nick name.
The last few years have had a few problems. There was the risk of being kidnapped by the rapists. She didn't like that Leon would kill Houser given the chance, but wouldn't kill Rachet. Okay, fine, their borthers, still it sickened her.
"Oh, Leon, don't fall asleep, Jazz has a gig tonight!" Coco remembered.
"Yep, he's been practicing for weeks now! I think it sounds amazing."
"Cool,, you coming Maxxi?" Leon asked
"Damn, I would, mate, really, but me an' Carat are heading out the teh beach."
"Still teaching him how to surf?" Coco asked, smiling knowingly, "Because I would have thought he learned quite a few years ago, am I right, just admit the truth." Coco said, smiling evily.
"Darling, I don't think yout WANT to hear the truth." Maxxi winked.
"SEX!" Scooter yelled out randomly from his spot on the floor.
"I could grow a plant and knock him out..." Coco offered.
"Nah, he'll conk out in a few minutes." Leon said.
Coco shook her head smiling, "what the hell I'm I going to do with you guys?"
"Wait about senventy years. At that time Leonc an be put ina home, Ratchet and Houser will most likly be dead, Scooter...we never know and me, I'll just be there, living the life I want to be." Jazz said smiling.
"I ain't going to no god-damn home!" Leon growled. Coco pouted his shoulder.
"Don't worry, I'll go with you."
"Okay, I'll go." Leon smiled, wagging his tail.
Leon, Jazz, Maxxi,Scooter all belong to :iconShadowTH22:
Coco Belongs to me
and Carat belong to :iconSwongXia:
13 years, 3 months ago
01 Dec 2011 20:02 CET
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