We're not even going to begin to discuss how long this commission took me to do 😂 I had so many set backs, and I had no motivation, and then I'd get it and lose it once I started on something. Then I FINALLY got enough motivation to finish it, and I was pretty sure the background was going to be the death of me.
And here it is, in all it's glory!! 5x smaller than it was when I started it 8'D
Anyeho, this is lily-girl414's Lavellan's, taking a rest from relic hunting! I really hope you like this, and you feel that you got your moneys worth. I'm so sorry that it took me forever and a day to do, and if you are unhappy with how this turned out I can do something else! I tried to do mushrooms in the trees but could not for the life of me get them to turn out XP
Thank you again for commissioning me, and again for your tremendous patience. I do appreciate it very much ❤️❤️❤️