Lil sketch i did a couple days ago when I had some me time. Thought I would do a cute character sketch of my old Zani character Zuri. Gave me a chance to do a nice full body shot to show the size difference between the Zani and an adult human. Not to mention work on some character design. :)
I seen a sketch pose like this on Google and was gonna have a friend of.mine make me something related to this. I hope it comes out as adorable as this looks
I seen a sketch pose like this on Google and was gonna have a friend of.mine make me something relat
COOL!! Yaknow, I actually got my reff for this online too. Found it on pinterest one day while on my phone and pined it. could be the same reff. Was it THIS ONE!
COOL!! Yaknow, I actually got my reff for this online too. Found it on pinterest one day while on my