Great, Leon thought, I fucking hate the morning! Leon rolled onto his back and sighed. He would still be in bed for another hour, he couldn't fall back asleep. He groaned and stretched his arms to the sides, hitting something soft and warm. Refusing to open his eyes, he touched it again.
Leon smiled and rolled over so he was facing the wamr body.
"Hey, little Coco, when did you get here?" Leon asked, pulling the small form closer.
The bundle murmmured and shifted. Leon smiled, eyes still closed.
Coco sounded really tired.
Leon slowly peeked one eyes open and looked down.
Coco was curled up at hi side, eyes bleery with sleep.
"Hey, when'd you get in here?"
"I opened the door and crawled in with you, last night." Coco responded. diggin her face into his chest.
Leon sat up. "Why?"
"There was a storm last night, I'm afraid of storms, and Jazz had his room locked." Coco replied, rolling onto her back and stretching out.
Leon smiled and stared at her. She was really small. He could lift her up with his pinky! "Coco, you know sneaking in here is dangerous, I could roll over and sufacate you."!"
"You weren't mad." Coco countered.
"That's becasue I love ya, kiddo."
"Even if I sneak into your room?"
"I like waking up and finding something to cuddle with"
"Realy~?....?" Coco pushed.
"Yeah." Leon said, laying down and putting his backt o her. Coco got on her knees and hopped onto his side, "Houser and Rachet are home, I heard them walking around, are you reeally gonna send me out there?" Coco asked, Leon could hear her voice wobble. He flicked his ears.
They were back.
"Alright, you can stay in here." Leon mummbled holding onto his pillow.
"I will." Coco responded hopping down from his arm and curling up under his giant comforter. "Why do you have so many comforters?" Coco asked. She could quite literally get lost in them!
"I like being warm and curling up under them." Leon said monotone.
Leon could hear her and feel her rearanging the sheets around her, and ehr soft purr. He sighed and rolled onto his back.
:Come here." He said, opening the blankets next to him. Without a word Coco scurried into the little cave and curled up next to him. Leon let his hand drape over her upper arm. His thumb slowly stroked her soft fur. Coco murmmered.
Cats alwayts fall asleep fast.
Leon rested his head on the pillow and relaxed.
Okay, Leon, go over your list. Good things:
Coco won't go to a horrible orphanage.
Coco is pretty safe here.
Bad things:
Keeping Houser and Rachet away from her will be a problem.
You have to watch what you say or she'll have a breakdown.
Don't mention Jazzmin.
She's a kid and that's just annoying as fuck.
Great...we're off to a good start....
Leon belongs to ShadowTH22
Coco belongs to me!
13 years, 3 months ago
29 Nov 2011 18:41 CET
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