Character Sheet for Hikori
50% Male, 50% Female (how rare each gender is)
Character Description
This will be very detailed so prepare for some reading.
Hikori: The fire and ice Pokémon. Hikori's body is made of fire and ice, so it can survive in hot and cold climates. However, if the climate is either too hot or too cold, one half of Hikori can be destroyed and disappear. If this happens, the other half of Hikori will grieve over its destroyed partner. This will not stop until it finds another half to be with. It can also sometimes find a partner of the same element (fire or ice) as it, and will combine with it. Then it will be either a full Hi or a full Kori.
One half of Hikori can take over, but still maintain its full body. This is known as "Hikori: Fire/Ice-Taken-Over Form". Hikori can also split into two halves, turning into Hi and Kori. They can go into separate Pokéballs and can feel each other's presence even if they don't see each other. The two halves can help each other in battle, and they can join back into Hikori anytime they want.
Each Hi and Kori can have a different personality, which leads to Hikori (plural) having split personalities.
Every Hikori can have different things it likes and dislikes. Once a Hi joins up with a Kori, or vice versa, the things it likes/dislikes can change to what the Hi or Kori likes/dislikes.
Every Hikori starts out as a separate Hi and a separate Kori. Once a Hi partners up with a Kori, they become a full Hikori. Sometimes, a Hi partners up with a Hi, and a Kori partners up with a Kori. Then they become a Double-Hi or a Double-Kori. This is very rare though, and you can only see a rare few Double-Hi's and Double-Koris wandering about.
Every Hikori has different family members.
Hikori lives, of course, in the world of Pokémon.
Hikori's ice side is a light blue colour, and fire side is a vibrant, fiery orange with bits of orangey-red.