Lol at the reference from that episode from Boom where Sonic and Eggman switch bodies. It adds to the idea that Eggman had a thing for the pink hedgie since he liked to make Sonamy RP's with Orbot and Cubot in which the robots would play the role of Amy. Then there was the Fuzzy Puppies episode where it was played as if they had a secret afair.
Lol at the reference from that episode from Boom where Sonic and Eggman switch bodies. It adds to th
I never looked at it that way, but I see your point. I saw it that he was a major Sonamy shipper and (much like I am by drawing them together) he just fantasized about them getting together. Hence why in series two he tells Steve that Sonic is too cool to admit he likes her "Believe me I know"
I never looked at it that way, but I see your point. I saw it that he was a major Sonamy shipper and