Pretty much. btw I remember hearing of when I was a baby, I kept cramming so much food in my mouth without people knowing I was doing that, till later, fortunately, I as a baby didn't try to stuff all that food down my throat all at once like Marcie did here. I'd be choking at that point if I was. Also, I as I am currently, I swear, I spread good luck in life without trying. I just need to be nearby people to give that good luck. Whenever I get in a dangerous situation, I and those I am with always come out of it okay. Like if goodluck itself is on my side. It however, is not on my side when it comes to videogames. rng in videogames hates me so much. I almost am never lucky with it...
Pretty much. btw I remember hearing of when I was a baby, I kept cramming so much food in my mouth w