FireFox - I got Inspired to do this after I found out that my Friend KoriandMetrion [ On Deviantart ] also played Amensia : The Dark Descent. One of my favourite Horror Games from the makers of the Penumbra Game Series [ Another Favourite which I sent her as a Gift ].
This Model took me only 10 minutes to make from scratch.
There is actually meant to be more Detail in the Mouth but the way I had to blend it in with the Background caused a slightly loss of quality with the Model.
But It still came out pretty menacing and sharp.
The Background is a snap shot from Amnesia : The Dark Descent.
Based on the Servant Grunt Gatherer from Amnesia : The Dark Descent.
I won't be doing the Servant Brute.. Unless I can find a way to make it look like a Chipmunk.
Amnesia : The Dark Descent is owned by Frictional Games.
Support them! They made the Penumbra Series with a team of only 3 People and those Games were much better than any Call Of Duty Game.
Amnesia is one of the best games I have ever played.
Note -
Do you think this should go under " General " or " Mature - Mild Violence " ?
There are a few Blood Splatters but not enough to make it look gory.